For that particular server, I get:

[21:29] -UK.ArabChat.Net- *** You are not welcome on this network.
[21:29] -UK.ArabChat.Net- *** AutoBanned for flood (Ticket ID: mHAwhH1rdW5dwv9) (2006/08/19 17.13)
[21:29] -UK.ArabChat.Net- *** Your IP is xx.yy.zz.38
[21:29] -UK.ArabChat.Net- *** For assistance, please email Kline@ArabChat.Net and include everything shown here.

It's possible that a lot of the servers you're trying to connect to can't be resolved, because they're not there. Try connecting to one of the big 6. (If you can connect to any IRC server, it's not your problem - it's a problem with the internet, the other server, your provider ... the list goes on. Some servers may require something you're not doing, like IdentD, but since can be resolved, the question is, did you make a mistake and you can resolve it but you're banned, or are you really having a resolution problem)

Last edited by FNar; 21/08/06 01:35 AM.