This code will consider every (non-blank) line after the end of the headers to be a quote.
on *:TEXT:!quotes:#:showquote
alias showquote {
  if ($event == text) set %qm msg $chan
  else set %qm echo -a
  unset %nextline
  if ($hget(quotes)) hfree quotes
  hmake quotes 5
  if ($sock(q)) sockclose q
  sockopen q 80
  .timer 1 5 sockclose q

on *:SOCKOPEN:q:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -s Error: couldn't contact website1.
  sockwrite -tn q GET /f4c/Quotes.php HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -tn q Host:
  sockwrite -tn q

on *:SOCKREAD:q:{
  var %s
  sockread %s
  ;echo 7 -s > %s

  if ((%s == $null) && (!%nextline)) { set %nextline 1 }
  elseif ((%nextline) && (%s != $null)) {
    hadd quotes %nextline %s
    inc %nextline

on *:SOCKCLOSE:q:{
  var %rand = $r(1,$hget(quotes,0).item)
  %qm $hget(quotes,%rand)
  unset %nextline, %qm
  if ($hget(quotes)) hfree quotes

If the webpage has one line, that line will always be shown. If the webpage has multiple quotes on multiple lines, all of the lines will be read and a random one will be chosen and sent.

If the /showquote command is entered manually, the quote will be echo'd to the active window. If someone types !quotes in any channel, the quote will be msg'd to that channel.
