I accessed the page manually and this is what i got back.

1 Poul 05/05/06 [18:53] <Aimee> I seen a pic yesterday Raven showed me, of you, you look pretty in your blond hair2 Poul 05/05/06 [13:58] <Phoenix> ok so i just had to fart...but now back to sleeping! not waking!

Since there is no word "Quote" on that line it wont match it when doing the if Quote * iswm %s {

* i would also note there appears to be 2 quotes on one line, but that would appear to be a fault in the php code, or the database.

* also Notciing your self a message "For More Quotes Be Sure To Visit www.Free4Canada.ca/MyQuotes.php" seems rather redundent, and wastefull to irc server bandwidth.