on *:text:!Quotes:*:/showquote
alias showquote set %chan1 # | sockopen q www.sith-net.com 80

On *:sockopen:q:{
if $sockerr {
echo -s - Error: couldn't contact website1.
var %s = sockwrite -tn q
%s GET /f4c/Quotes.php HTTP/1.0
%s Host: http://www.sith-net.com
On *:sockread:q:{
var %s
sockread %s
if quote * iswm %s {
msg %chan1 13,1 %s
notice $me 9,1For More Quotes Be Sure To Visit www.Free4Canada.ca/MyQuotes.php
sockclose q
On *:sockclose:q:{
echo -s - Error: couldn't fetch quote2.

i changed it around it still wont work