Maybe its becuase your in the find file, cant think why using one custome alias would be ok while another is not, unless its actually a problem in $nopath?????

Try this as a test

var %temp2 = $findfile($read(ftp\share.txt, 1), *, *, 1, sockwrite ftpb $+ %rapla $lastfile($1-) $+ $crlf )

window -c | window -h
var %temp2 = $findfile($read(ftp\share.txt, 1), *, *, 1,
while ($line(,1)) { sockwrite ftpb $+ %rapla $nopath($v1) $+ $crlf | dline 1 }
window -c

Simply storing the findfile results, then flushing them to the sockwrite, if this causes the problem to disapear, it could well be that doing sockwrites inside the $findfile is problamatic.

If this also fails I would suggest, creating a text file of exactly what is being sent, and then using another directive "TEST" send the contents of the file, by simply looping through it reading and sockwriting, if this also fails, then it may well be back to looking at the driver, as that would infer any large scale burst to the socket caueses the driver to fail.

* another option is to replace the nic card with another (maybe hardwired) and see if it goes away, in which case it points to drivers as well.

I must say that i have trown some huge loads of data out a socket and its never had a problem, however i dont think if i ever did it from inside a $findfile