Hi there,

I'm learning more and more via this forum about mirc scripting. But one thing does not work for me frown

I just want to have this 2 scripts in one. If I say $chattr nick +Chanlev, in #chan, the bot have to msg $chan with the reply of the Chanserv. Now its only working with notice, but the bot is on more channels, and it has to work on more channels.

$chattr script:
on 1000:text:$chattr *:#: {
if (L isop $chan) { msg L chanlev $chan $2- }
elseif (Q isop $chan) { msg Q chanlev $chan $2- }
else { msg # No chanlev in channel. }

The notice:
on *:notice:*:?: {
if ($nick == L) { notice nick -» 02-L02- $1- }
elseif ($nick == Q) { notice nick -» 02-Q02- $1- }
else { halt }