on 1000:text:$chattr *:#: { 
set %chan $chan
if (L isop $chan) { msg L chanlev $chan $2- } 
elseif (Q isop $chan) { msg Q chanlev $chan $2- } 
else { msg # No chanlev in channel. } 
on *:notice:*:?: { 
if ($nick == L) { .msg %chan -» 02-L02- $1- } 
elseif ($nick == Q) { .msg %chan -» 02-Q02- $1- } 

That should work for any channel that you (ie: the person/bot running the script) is in. Please note that there is a possibility of the channel being set incorrectly if the command is used in a second channel before a response from the previous usage. If there's a way around that, I wasn't able to think of it.