just another quick question mate,

	int __stdcall StoreKey(HWND, HWND, char *data, char *parms, BOOL, BOOL) {

		string channel = GetTok(data, 1, 32);
		string key = GetTok(data, 2, 32);

		KeyStorer.insert(MapFunction::value_type(channel, key));

		return 3;

is there a way to clear that channels value? instead of doing something like

KeyStorer.clear() //removes all the map keys

problem i have is this:

//.dll Test.dll StoreKey #mIRC coolchannel
//echo -a $dll(Test.dll, GetKey, #mIRC) = coolchannel
//.dll Test.dll StoreKey #mIRC nicechan
//echo -a $dl(Test.dll, GetKey, #mIRC) = coolchannel

it isnt replacing the original value for the channel, in the map

Last edited by pouncer; 27/01/06 12:00 AM.