ok thanks sorted that part, got it about 90% working now. but im trying to return an entry in a seperate function (and storing an entry in another function)

	string channel = data;
	iT = KeyStorer.find(channel);

	string key = (*iT).second.c_str( );

	_fstrcpy(data, key.c_str());
	return 3;

as you see above the data is the channel name i ffed into the dll parameter, keyStorer is the map instance name, its definately storing the key, but its just crashing my mirc when i use the above code to grab the key, any ideas guys?

ive got all this stored at the top

typedef map<string, string> MapFunction;
MapFunction KeyStorer;
MapFunction::iterator iT;

Last edited by pouncer; 24/01/06 11:39 PM.