I think you misunderstood me on the "using namespace std;"

if you use it, you have to omit the std:: in front of the types you use that come from the library. If you don't, you have to insert them in front or the system will say he can't find the type you are using.

And .clear( ) is a function not an argument. I compiled this code on VC++2003 and it works like a charm and prints the names correctly.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>

//using namespace std;

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> MyMap;

MyMap TestMap;

int main() {

	std::string chan( "#Channel" ); //keytype

	std::string mark( "Mark" );     //datatype

	TestMap.insert( MyMap::value_type( chan, mark ) );

	MyMap::iterator it = TestMap.find( chan );

	//this should print Mark

	if ( it != TestMap.end( ) ) {

		printf( (*it).second.c_str( ) ); 



	//change #channel value from Mark to Harry

	TestMap.clear( );

	std::string harry( "Harry" );

	TestMap.insert( MyMap::value_type( chan, harry ) );

	//this should now print Harry

	if ( it != TestMap.end( ) ) {

		printf( (*it).second.c_str( ) );



	return 0;
