I've never used one, but there may be good ones at http://www.mircscripts.org. I have no idea.

Right now, I'm working on 2 games, myself (and a third that has been on hold for over a year)...

  • Scattergories (2 players maximum with GUI/Dialog interface and in-game chat)
  • Cribbage (2 players maximum with a text-only interface... this is where the card table I mentioned is being used)
  • Monopoly (4 players per game, 3 games maximum at any given time. Old Games Themed -- spaces are old computer/console games. Fully GUI.) <= This is the one that is on hold for so long. It is mostly done other than making the buy/sell/rent/houses/hotels/cards work. Tedious things that I don't feel like working with. The board and everything is done and all the multiplayer coding is done. Maybe, someday, I'll start up on it again and get it finished.

I've also put some work into a Dungeon Crawl style RPG that is fully customizable by users -- they can easily add in new races (player and AI) and new weapons and spells and armor and such. It actually works well for what I've done so far. I just got tired of working on all the code of how attacking works and defending and all that stuff. Trying to figure out exactly how armor prevents damage is a pain. So, that's pretty much not planned to ever finish, though I may add more over time and eventually complete it. The nice thing is that I already have over 300,000 items that can be found in the game. And that is without users adding their own content. laugh

Eventually, I'll release a game. So far, I've only released addons to Invision, my $DateXpander script, a dictionary script and a weather script. It's just a matter of getting myself to complete the coding.... I tend to set things aside and go play a game or work on my translation of DragonBall Z: Super Gokuden for SNES instead. smile

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