ah nice 1 that fixed the double tying,thanx a mill for the quick
reply.As for writing this myself,no i wish i new how to write
or even understand this stuff,very basic is all i no atm.This
was just something i came across when surfing for some
games for irc that others could join in on,i havent have a clue
really what im doing as to write stuff myself but i seem to be
able to sometimes stumble my way through editing up other
peoples work(just the txt that gets msg'd to people etc,very basic stuff is all i no),i luv the idea you did with the colour of the cards but wouldnt no where to start to add it to this.Is there a better black jack script you can suggest? or should i just stick with trying to add a timer to the responces?. Thanx
again for the tip and look forward to any and all replys,
