That's blackjack?! Sheesh... Blackjack is a simple enough game that it could easily be done in half that. Heh.
One thing...
if ($1 isin !BlackJack!version!leave!deal!bet!ImIn!hitme!stay!double) {
That's a really bad idea... if you type any single letter that is in there, it will trigger. For example, if you said: "Jack is a funny name.", it would trigger because "Jack" isin that set of commands.
As for why it repeats, that's the reason. "i" and "it" and "im" are all in that line of commands.
Try replacing it with:
if ($istok(!BlackJack !version !leave !deal !bet !ImIn !hitme !stay !double,$1,32) {
That should do fix your problem.
For the delay, I will leave it for someone else... I don't want to start figuring out such a long script right now.