New code is:

on *:SNOTICE:*client connecting*:{
  timer 1 5 ctcp $4 version
  timer $+ $4 1 15 notice $4 I did not receive a version reply from you
  timer $+ $nick off
  write versionlog. $+ $asctime(yyyy-mm-dd) $+ .txt $2-
  if ($read(versions.txt, s, $2)) wallops Version Alert for $nick using $2- $read(versions.txt, s, $2)
  else halt

Now I attempted to insert another write command, so it wrote to a new file specifically for non responding clients ... but that didnt seem to work ... it wrote for all clients

write noreplylog $+ $asctime(yyyy-mm-dd) $+ .txt NO REPLY FROM $4

That would have to go after the 2nd timer someplace but not sure where ...