That almost works.

Save unless during that 15 seconds another user connects and their timer starts ... then when the first user ends with the version reply it kills all timers and the 2nd user does even get versioned.

Tricky isnt it .....

tricky maybe.. hardly though because i can make it a lil more better for you.. now if this doesnt work your gonna replace $nick with $$1 or $1
Original Code****************
on *:SNOTICE:*client connecting*:{
timer 1 5 ctcp $4 version
write versionlog. $+ $asctime(yyyy-mm-dd) $+ .txt $2-
if ($read(versions.txt, s, $2)) wallops Version Alert for $nick using $2- $read(versions.txt, s, $2)
else halt
New code*****************
on *:SNOTICE:*client connecting*:{
%nver = $nick
timer 1 5 ctcp $4 version
timer $+ %nver 1 15 //notice %nver I did not receive a version reply from you
//** What this does is set a var for $nick on server connect, and then what we do is put timer $+ %nver 1 15 so it equals in theory too /timernickname 1 15 this way it names the timer whatever the client is.. example "Client Connecting Dave" /timerDave 1 15 //script execute here
timer $+ $nick off
timer 1 1 //unset %nver

write versionlog. $+ $asctime(yyyy-mm-dd) $+ .txt $2-
if ($read(versions.txt, s, $2)) wallops Version Alert for $nick using $2- $read(versions.txt, s, $2)
else halt
//** This takes care of the name for the timer itself however as far as more then one person connecting and the ODDS of 2 in less then 15 seconds have no version reply is slim to none right? either way hope the varibles given to you work you see in the second script for ctcpreply it should detect the nick of person and shut off timer tus why for example if dave was the one to connect and give me a reply back it would execute TimerDave off in theory smile enjoy!

So conclusion is you can have 1,000,000 active timers but if all 999,999 of these timers give you a version reply it will deactivate the timers individually, and that 1 that didnt give you the reply back will notice him/her

laugh smile wink

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }