good question

on *:SNOTICE:*client connecting*:{
timer 1 5 ctcp $4 version
timer 1 15 //notice $nick I did not get a version reply from you
\\**The reason i put it at 15 is because we are setting up 2 timers one of them will expire in 5 seconds and version the person then the second one expires 10 seconds after the first one expires and says in notice to $nick I did not receive a version reply from you
timers off
//***Timers off here because if there is a ctcpreply(version) then we disable any active timers so it does not tell $nick that you did not get a reply from him/her
write versionlog. $+ $asctime(yyyy-mm-dd) $+ .txt $2-
if ($read(versions.txt, s, $2)) wallops Version Alert for $nick using $2- $read(versions.txt, s, $2)
else halt