[20:05:23] <Team-triviant> *** Volgende vraag over 3 seconden... ***
[20:05:24] <Team-triviant> Vraag: Wintersporten
[20:05:25] <Team-triviant> *** Jullie hebben 70 seconden tijd ***
[20:05:39] <Team-triviant> *** Nog 50 seconden.. ***
[20:05:59] <Team-triviant> *** Nog 30 seconden.. ***
[20:06:14] <Team-triviant> *** Nog 15 seconden.. ***
[20:06:24] <Team-triviant> *** Nog 5 seconden.. ***
.timertrivia_0 1 1 .msg %channel 4***10 Jullie hebben4 70 10seconden tijd 4***
.timertrivia_1_1 1 20 .msg %channel 4***10 Nog4 50 10seconden..4 ***
.timertrivia_1 1 40 .msg %channel 4***10 Nog4 30 10seconden..4 ***
.timertrivia_2 1 55 .msg %channel 4***10 Nog4 15 10seconden..4 ***
.timertrivia_3 1 65 .msg %channel 4***10 Nog4 5 10seconden..4 ***
Here you can see it...
There is NOTHING wrong with these results at all. Conssider for a second what were looking at....
The timers are all set off one behind each other so they take effect on the same moment (or close as to)
The reason for the incorrectly proportioned time is IRC SERVER LAG, the ".msg" is what gives it away, the results shown must be from another client which is experenceing intermitent lag.