everything looks fine but the 2nd timer

i ran the alias and got the same result as you, _the first time_

//.timertrivia_0 1 1 echo -at ONE | .timertrivia_1_1 1 2 echo -at TWO | .timertrivia_1 1 3 echo -at THREE | .timertrivia_2 1 4 echo -at FOUR | .timertrivia_3 1 5 echo -at FIVE

(19:39:53) ONE
(19:39:53) TWO
(19:39:54) THREE
(19:39:55) FOUR
(19:39:56) FIVE

and then i ran it a second time and got normal results (everything was spaced by 1 second)

notice the only timer name that has a different makeup than the rest is the 2nd one, with an extra '_1' at the end.. i don't know if that's the cause, since it corrected itself anyway.. it could be a caching issue of some sort. it was really only a one second difference anyway. if you need accurate timers use -h i guess. that might fix it

(20:01:28) ONE
(20:01:29) TWO
(20:01:30) THREE
(20:01:31) FOUR
(20:01:31) FIVE

I got the same skip on FOUR and FIVE

using -h i ended up with:
(20:04:05) ONE
(20:04:06) TWO
(20:04:07) THREE
(20:04:08) FOUR
(20:04:13) FIVE

Okay, i admit, something is buggy

Last edited by argv0; 22/07/05 12:04 AM.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"