mirc is not file sharing program

mirc is for CHAT and CHAT only

That statement makes you look ignorant. Of course mIRC can and is used as a filesharing program. Unfortunitely it is used incorrectly 99% of the time as is in this case where he is trying to download movies. When someone comes on the forums and mentions anything about being able to recieve a file from someone over IRC using mIRC everyone is quick to assume they are using it to aquire illegal programs and such but what if the person is simply doing things in the manner in which mIRC's filesharing utilties were ment to be used. Maybe he is trying to download a skateboarding movie or a home movie from a friend or family member over the internet via IRC. This is one of the reasons mIRC has filesharing capablities. Instead of assuming the worse how about assuming the best and giving some people the benifit of the dought. I think that the mirc.com forum is one of the best forums on the internet bar-none but when this subject arises I get a little irritated and the assumptions that everyone makes and basically calls everyone that asks about the filesharing utiltiy a thief. How would you feel if you went into a store and picked up a playboy magizine and everyone in there assumed you were a pervert or a menace to society?