Hey. What I'm working on is a script that will change a persons color in my nicklist to grey if the are idle for 10+min or go away. Then, when they come back, it will change it back to whatever it was before they went away. I use different colors for different modes. This is what I have so far...

alias chk { 
  var %x = $nick($chan,0) 
  while (%x) { 
    if ($cnick($nick($chan,%x)).color == 14) { goto grey | halt } 
    elseif ($cnick($nick($chan,%x)).color !== 14) { 
    if ($nick($chan,%x).idle >= 600) || <if nick is away> {
      set %cnick. [ $+ [ $nick($chan,%x) ] ] $cnick($nick($chan,%x)).color
      cnick $nick($chan,%x) 14     
      dec %x
    if ($nick($chan,%x).idle < 600) && ($nick($chan,%x).away = $false) { 
      cnick $nick($chan,%x) %cnick. [ $+ [ $nick($chan,%x) ] ]
      dec %x

I know it's not right. Andy(SladeKraven) told me I had to do a whois, then use raw 301. He had to go away after that. I dont know how to incorperate the raw into the code. Can anyone help me? confused

"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"