If it doesnt handle that language properly or work the same as it does from within mIRC script files then it isnt doing what it was designed for. Thats a bug

(emphasis mine)

Um.. where did you get this idea from? Sure, scripts will be evaluated just as from script files with this method - however, nowhere does the helpfile state that this will happen from within the context of the script currently being executed. The SendMessage stuff just might not be designed to work that way - you might disagree with that decision, but that still doesn't make it a bug, as far as I can see...

Edit: note that identifiers like $nick also don't work when using your method to evaluate identifiers, called from within eg an on TEXT event. If I understood you correctly, you would say that that should also work?

Last edited by Sat; 19/03/05 07:58 PM.

Saturn, QuakeNet staff