Im not sure if this is a bug in the mapped file or in the way mIRC handles the active connection when calling a dll however the returned values are not always correct.

I have a function GetCurrentCID as follows.

int MIRCAPI GetCurrentCID(void)
	if (!IsLibInit()) return -1;

	return atoi(mData);

its fairly straight forward simply asks mIRC to evaluate $cid wich is of course the current connection id.

The following test dll function is used to test the GetCurrentCID function

#pragma ExportThis
	return 3;

As you may be able to tell calling the 'test' function from the dll will pop up a MessageBox showing the current cid. typically this is the cid thats active when you /dll ...

however the following code doesnt work properly. assume you have 2 connections with id's 1 and 2. if you call the following line in connection 1 you would think you get 2 in the MsgBox however you get 1

//scid 2 dll blah.dll test .

ive tried every possibly combination of /scid and /scon you can imagine including /scid 2 | /dll ... and so on. it works the same no matter if its in a script or on a cmd line (in a window).

the following code however works

//scid 2 echo -a $!cid

the only difference is when the 'command' portion is /dll ($dll and $dllcall do the same thing) it fails.

Have Fun smile