for our convience im testing this as i type this ok i got it to work this is pretty ugly but it gets the job done
im sure someone will give you something better in the mean time
on *:deop:#:{
  set -u20 %nick $nick
  set -u20 %chan $chan
  if (($opnick == $me) && ($nick != $me)) {
    part $chan
    timer 1 1 join %chan
    timer 1 5 kr

alias kr {
  if ($me isop %chan) {
    kick %chan %nick

i would recommend adjusting the timers for the quickest rejoin and kick you can get while still having the script function
the quickest i could manage which wasnt very quick at all was 1 on the rejoin and 5 on the kick which is pretty slow by my standards

timer 1 1 join %chan
timer 1 5 kr
edit i added -u to both the variables so they will clean themselves up after everything is done

Last edited by ricky_knuckles; 28/02/05 08:36 PM.

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