#mass off
on @!*:KICK:#: {
if ($nick isowner $chan) return
if (%kic. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] == $null) {
set -u8 %kic. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
else { inc %kic. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] }
if (%kic. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] == 3 && %kic.check == $null) {
auser masskick $address($nick,1)
access $chan add deny $address 2 : mass kick $replace($nick,>,Guest_) added by $replace($me,>,Guest_) at $date @ $time
kick $chan $nick Mass kick detected
set -u6 %kic.check 1
#mass end

#dehost on
on ^*:DEOP:#:{
if ($opnick == $me) && ($nick != $me) {
/hop $active
access $active add deny $address($nick,1) 0
kick # $nick ummm no
access # add host $me
#dehost end

#topiclck off
on *:TOPIC:#: {
if ($nick == $me) Halt {
echo $nick tried to change the Topic
kick $active $nick Don't try to change the TOPIC only I can set it
#topiclck end

#nowhisper on
on *:TEXT:*:?: {
if ($nick == %whispered) {

kick $active $nick So tell me...how's it feel being a rocket scientist?
unset %whispered
closemsg $nick
else {

kick $active $nick The Surgeon General has determined that whispering me, may be bad for your health!!!
set %whispered $nick
closemsg $nick
#nowhisper end

#kicklockdown on
on *:kick:#: {
if($nick == $me) halt
kick # $nick Did I give you permission to kick? | /splay $mircdir/sounds/fatality.mp3 }
#kicklockdown end

#ban on
on ^1:ban:#:{

if ($banmask iswm $address($me,0)) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 5Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick | echo -a 5Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 5is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 5Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 5 $+ $chan $+ 5/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+  $+ 1) | kick $chan $nick | halt | /splay fatality.mp3 } }
if ($banmask iswm $address($me,3)) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 5Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick | echo -a 5Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 5is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 5Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 5 $+ $chan $+ 54/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+  $+ 1) | kick $chan $nick | halt | /splay fatality.mp3 } }
if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 5Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick | echo -a 5Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 5is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 5Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 5 $+ $chan $+ 5/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+  $+ 1) | kick $chan $nick | halt | /splay fatality.mp3 } }
if ($banmask iswm $me $+ !*@*) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 5Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick | echo -a 5Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 5is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 5Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 5 $+ $chan $+ 5/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+  $+ 1) | kick $chan $nick | halt | /splay fatality.mp3 } }

#ban end

on ^*:action:*:*:{
if ($filtermsg($1-)) { haltdef }
if ($chan && $hfind(chanhide,$chan,1) == $null) {
hadd -m chanactivity $+ $cid $chan $ctime
window -w $chan

#timekick on
ctcp *:TIME:* {
if ($nick isowner #) return
$active clear host
$active add deny $address 0
kick $active $nick You have a clock in the lower right of your screen...use it
#timekick end

#pingkick on
ctcp *:PING:* {
if ($nick isowner #) return
$active clear host
$active add deny $address 0
kick $active $nick I always hated that ping pong event
#pingkick end

#finger on
ctcp *:finger:* {
if ($nick isowner #) return
$active clear host
$active add deny $address 0
kick $active $nick I hope you washed those hands before doing such things
#finger end

#version on
ctcp *:version:* {
if ($nick isowner #) return
$active clear host
$active add deny $address 0
kick $active $nick Version? Does it matter? I'm here...you're not
#version end

Deop Ptotection To The point that the /hop (part) will take place, but i wont kick
Mass Kick works perfectly
Topic Kick Works Perfectly
Whisper wokrs but when i use the antiidle its kicks me, well it try to but because there is no active channel selected it wont work
Time kick works but same again, if i time my self it kicks me
Version same is tempramental
Finger kick works but kicks myself
BanProtection Works fine

I know its a mess but i am very new to the coding scene, i am more into popups and timed events and dialogs, any help would be great

Last edited by Skeletor; 28/02/05 01:06 AM.
