well ive tried loads of ways, here r most of them:
          /set %txt c:\ModStats\ [ $+ [ $asctime(mmm) ] $+ ] \FailedAttempts.txt
          /write %txt $adate - $time $+ : Attempted Login with the nickname %modnick $+ ( $+ %modip $+ ).

          /write c:\ModStats\ [ $+ [ $asctime(mmm) ] $+ ] \FailedAttempts.txt $adate - $time $+ : Attempted Login with the nickname %modnick $+ ( $+ %modip $+ ).


          /write [ [ c:\ModStats\  $+ $asctime(mmm)  $+  \FailedAttempts.txt ] ] $adate - $time $+ : Attempted Login with the nickname %modnick $+ ( $+ %modip $+ ).


i hav also tried $eval where the [] brackets are, they were just the ones i had to hand so i pasted them....

Liek OMG Yuo Stoleded my MageHurtzzzz!!!11