When CTRL+BREAK is pressed, it will halt execution of a single script process currently running. However, holding down CTRL+SCRLLOCK will prevent any and all scripts from ever processing while the key combination is being depressed.

It is possible that your cat mashed your keyboard including these 2 keys, and perhaps left your SCRLLOCK key in a stuck position? There are 2 solutions you might try.

1.) Press SCRLLOCK many times to make sure its not stuck, also Press all 6 of the following keys at the same time: Left-Ctrl + Left-Alt + Left-Shift + Right-Ctrl + Right-Alt + Right-Shift. This will take both hands and perhaps a bit of dexterity. Repeat mashing these 6 keys several times (3's usually enough). This resets most (all?) keyboards when they're doing funky things.

2.) Or Reboot. Keep the cat & keyboard AFK (away from keyboard/kitty!)

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!