I have a script that sets the limit of the channel by watching the joines and parts. it works great when the servers are stable, but during a netsplit and the nicks rejoin the channel, it sets the limit every time 4 nicks joins and it takes forever to get the limit back up to the right number:
-=> Joins cute-char < ~jhjkh@ >
-=> Joins faraaz < ~farharayu@ >
-=> Joins handkerch < ~fjzbp@ >
-=> Joins _didem- < ~java@D576C8B5.kabel.telenet.be >
-=> Joins HAKAN^_^ < ~lamud@ >
-=> Joins satal < ~Satal@Ottawa-HSE-ppp261079.sympatico.ca >
* Dingo` sets mode: +l 148
* Dingo` sets mode: +l 152
* Dingo` sets mode: +l 156
* Dingo` sets mode: +l 160
is there anything i can use to hold the script untill everyone has stop rejoining, and THEN set the limit ?
my code so far is:
#limitscript off
on *:JOIN:#beginner: {
if ( $network == Undernet ) && ( $me isop #beginner ) {
if (%join.count == $null) set %join.count 1
if (%join.count < 4) { inc %join.count | halt }
if (%join.count == 4) { set %chan.limit $calc($nick(#,0) + 7) | mode # +l %chan.limit | unset %join.count }
on *:PART:#beginner: {
if ( $network == Undernet ) && ( $me isop #beginner ) {
if (%part.count == $null) set %part.count 1
if (%part.count < 8) { inc %part.count | halt }
if (%part.count == 8) { set %chan.limit $calc($nick(#,0) + 7) | mode # +l %chan.limit | unset %part.count }
#limitscript End