In case you aren't familiar with IPv6, IP Address are classifed by 6 4-digit hexidecimal values separated by :s (colons).
(an example would be: 3ffe:4ff4:4ff4:03a2:8912:aaaa)
The main purpose of this this is to accomodate more IP address for a growing internet population. But enough about IPv6. On to the real problem at hand.
This is a problem when trying to add a popup that tries to maniuplate a host in someway, because popups separator character is : (colon). It causes all sort of problems, you can test it out and see. (example at hand, you have a userlist and you want to add a new host for a person via a popup)
Also, the userlist seems to have various issues concerning IPv6 address, for the same reason.
I know alot of people probably haven't heard of IPv6, but alot of IRC servers are going over to it as of lately (hopefully one day it will be the Internet standard... yeah right! we should be so lucky)
I just started scripting again a few days ago, and I'm hoping that this has been reported, but I searched on the forums and saw nothing.
Just a recap if this already has been posted.