#userlist off
#userlist end
#clients on
#clients end
#Chatop on
#Chatop End
#Helpop on
#Helpop End
#AdminChat on
#AdminChat End
#routing on
#routing end
#services on
#services end
#network on
#network end
#kill on
#kill end
#user on
#user end
#RawNet on
#RawNet End
#Global on
#global end
#clones on
#clones end
#localop on
#localop end
#flood on
#flood end
#exp on
#exp end
raw 379:*: { echo -a $chr(3) $+ $color(whois) $+ $2- | halt }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** ChatOps -- from*:{
If ($Group(#Chatop).Status == On) {
If ($Active != @ChatOps ) { Window -keg1 @ChatOps }
If ($6 != me) { /echo -i2 @ChatOps $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4Chatops10] 10( $+ $left($5,-1) $+ 10) $6- }
Else { /echo -i2 @ChatOps $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4Chatops10] $+ $color(action) $+ * $left($5,-1) $7- }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** NetAdmin.Chat -- from*:{
If ($Group(#Chatop).Status == On) {
If ($Active != @NAChat ) { Window -nkeg1 @NAChat }
If ($6 != me) { /echo -ti2 @NAChat 10< $+ $left($5,-1) $+ 10> $6- }
Else { /echo -ti2 @NAChat $+ $color(action) $+ * $left($5,-1) $7- }
Alias Custpop {
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $sline(@clients,0)) {
$$1 $sline(@clients,%x) $2
inc %x
return $null
Alias CCliWin {
If ($Group(#clients).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @Clients ) {
/window -keg1 @Clients
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Clients $1- }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*has changed his/her nickname to*:{
If ($Group(#clients).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @NickChanges ) {
/window -keg1 @NickChanges
/echo -i2 @NickChanges $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[13NickChange10] 7 $+ $4 $5 13 $+ -> $+ 7 $11
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Client connecting*:{
if (Chatops !isin $1-) && (from !isin $1-) {
if ($7 = port) {
/.CCliWin $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[9C10] 9 $+ $7-10
else {
/.CCliWin $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[9C10] 9 $+ $7 $8-9
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Client exiting*:{
if ($5 = exiting:) {
if (Excess Flood isin $8-) {
window -keg1 @Flood
echo -i2 @Flood $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[13Flood10] $6-
/.CCliWin $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4Q10] 4 $+ $6-
else {
/.CCliWin $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4Q10] 4 $+ $6-
else {
/var %meh = $8
/var %nick = $gettok(%meh,1,33)
if (Excess Flood isin $9-) {
window -keg1 @Flood
echo -i2 @Flood $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[13Flood10] $7 %nick ( $+ $gettok(%meh,2-,33) $+ ) $replace($9-,$chr(40),$chr(91),$chr(41),$chr(93))
/.CCliWin $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4Q10] 4 $+ $7 %nick ( $+ $gettok(%meh,2-,33) $+ ) $replace($9-,$chr(40),$chr(91),$chr(41),$chr(93))
else {
/.CCliWin $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4Q10] 4 $+ $7 %nick ( $+ $gettok(%meh,2-,33) $+ ) $replace($9-,$chr(40),$chr(91),$chr(41),$chr(93))
Menu MenuBar {
IrcopTool Settings...:/opentoolsdia
Dialog IrcopTools {
Title "IRCopTools"
Size -1 -1 150 330
Box "Display Options", 99, 0 0 150 330
Check "ChatOp", 1, 8 15 135 20
Check "HelpOp", 2, 8 32 135 20
Check "AdminChat", 3, 8 49 135 20
Check "Routing Stuff", 4, 8 66 135 20
Check "Services", 5, 8 83 135 20
Check "Network Stuff", 6, 8 100 135 20
Check "Kill Messages", 7, 8 117 135 20
Check "User", 8, 8 134 135 20
Check "Raw Network Messages", 9, 8 151 135 20
Check "Global Operator Notices", 10, 8 168 135 20
Check "Clients", 11, 8 185 135 20
Check "Clones", 12, 8 202 135 20
Check "Local Operator Notices", 13, 8 219 135 20
Check "Flood", 14, 8 236 135 20
Check "Exploits", 15, 8 253 135 20
button "Enable All", 16, 8 280 135 20
button "Disable All", 17, 8 300 135 20
Alias OpenToolsDia {
/dialog -m ircoptools ircoptools
If ($Group(#Chatop).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 1 }
If ($Group(#Helpop).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 2 }
If ($Group(#adminchat).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 3 }
If ($Group(#routing).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 4 }
If ($Group(#services).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 5 }
If ($Group(#network).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 6 }
If ($Group(#kill).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 7 }
If ($Group(#user).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 8 }
If ($Group(#rawnet).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 9 }
If ($Group(#global).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 10 }
If ($Group(#clients).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 11 }
If ($Group(#clones).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 12 }
If ($Group(#localop).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 13 }
If ($Group(#flood).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 14 }
If ($Group(#exp).Status = On) { /did -c IrcopTools 15 }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:1: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,1).state = 0) { .Disable #Chatop }
Else { .Enable #Chatop }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:2: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,2).state = 0) { .Disable #Helpop }
Else { .Enable #helpop }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:3: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,3).state = 0) { .Disable #AdminChat }
Else { .Enable #AdminChat }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:4: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,4).state = 0) { .Disable #routing }
Else { .Enable #routing }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:5: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,5).state = 0) { .Disable #services }
Else { .Enable #services }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:6: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,6).state = 0) { .Disable #network }
Else { .Enable #network }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:7: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,7).state = 0) { .Disable #kill }
Else { .Enable #kill }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:8: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,8).state = 0) { .Disable #user }
Else { .Enable #user }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:9: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,9).state = 0) { .Disable #rawnet }
Else { .Enable #rawnet }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:10: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,10).state = 0) { .Disable #global }
Else { .Enable #global }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:11: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,11).state = 0) { .Disable #clients }
Else { .Enable #clients }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:12: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,12).state = 0) { .Disable #clones }
Else { .Enable #clones }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:13: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,13).state = 0) { .Disable #localop }
Else { .Enable #localop }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:14: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,14).state = 0) { .Disable #flood }
Else { .Enable #flood }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:15: {
If ($did(IrcopTools,15).state = 0) { .Disable #exp }
Else { .Enable #exp }
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:16: {
.Enable #Chatop
.Enable #Helpop
.Enable #AdminChat
.Enable #routing
.Enable #services
.Enable #network
.Enable #kill
.Enable #user
.Enable #RawNet
.Enable #Global
.Enable #clients
.Enable #clones
.Enable #localop
.Enable #flood
.Enable #exp
/did -c IrcopTools 1
/did -c IrcopTools 2
/did -c IrcopTools 3
/did -c IrcopTools 4
/did -c IrcopTools 5
/did -c IrcopTools 6
/did -c IrcopTools 7
/did -c IrcopTools 8
/did -c IrcopTools 9
/did -c IrcopTools 10
/did -c IrcopTools 11
/did -c IrcopTools 12
/did -c IrcopTools 13
/did -c IrcopTools 14
/did -c IrcopTools 15
on 1:Dialog:IrcopTools:SClick:17: {
.Disable #Chatop
.disable #Helpop
.disable #AdminChat
.disable #routing
.disable #services
.disable #network
.disable #kill
.disable #user
.disable #RawNet
.disable #Global
.disable #clients
.disable #clones
.disable #localop
.disable #flood
.disable #exp
/did -u IrcopTools 1
/did -u IrcopTools 2
/did -u IrcopTools 3
/did -u IrcopTools 4
/did -u IrcopTools 5
/did -u IrcopTools 6
/did -u IrcopTools 7
/did -u IrcopTools 8
/did -u IrcopTools 9
/did -u IrcopTools 10
/did -u IrcopTools 11
/did -u IrcopTools 12
/did -u IrcopTools 13
/did -u IrcopTools 14
/did -u IrcopTools 15
On ^*:WALLOPS:*: {
if ($active != @Wallops) {
/window -nkeg1 @Wallops
echo -i2 @Wallops $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) [W] $nick $+ : $1-
Alias CRoutWin {
If ($Group(#routing).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @Routing Stuff ) {
/window -keg1 @Routing Stuff
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Routing Stuff $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias CServWin {
If ($Group(#services).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @Services ) {
/window -keg1 @Services
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Services $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias CNetWin {
If ($Group(#network).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @Network Stuff ) {
/window -keg1 @Network Stuff
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Network Stuff $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias CKilWin {
If ($Group(#kill).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @Kill Messages ) {
/window -keg1 @Kill Messages
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Kill Messages $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias CUserWin {
If ($Group(#user).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @User ) {
/window -keg1 @User
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @User $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias CRawWin {
If ($Group(#RawNet).Status == On) {
If ( $active != @Raw Network Messages ) {
/window -keg1 @Raw Network Messages
If ($1) { /echo -i2 @Raw Network Messages $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias CGloWin {
If ($Group(#global).Status == On) {
if ( $active != @Global Operator Notices ) {
/window -keg1 @Global Operator Notices
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Global Operator Notices $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias CloneWin {
If ($Group(#clones).Status == On) {
if ($active != @Clones) {
/window -keg1 @Clones
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Clones $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias LocalOpWin {
If ($Group(#localop).Status == On) {
if ($active != @Local Operator Notices) {
/window -keg1 @Local Operator Notices
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Local Operator Notices $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias FloodWin {
If ($Group(#flood).Status == On) {
if ($active != @flood) {
/window -keg1 @Flood
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Flood $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
Alias ExpWin {
If ($Group(#Exp).Status == On) {
if ($active != @Exploits) {
/window -keg1 Exploits
if ($1) { /echo -i2 @Exploits $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) $1- }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Global -- from * Read error from * closing link*:{ /.CRoutWin 4[R] $5- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Global -- from * No response from * closing link*:{ /.CRoutWin 4[R] $5- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Global -- from * Server * closed the connection*:{ /.CRoutWin 4[R] $5- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Global -- from * Link with * established* TS link*:{ /.CRoutWin 10[R] $5- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Global -- from * CONNECT * from*:{ /.CRoutWin 2[R] $5- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Global -- * was connected for * seconds.*:{ /.CRoutWin 4[R] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Couldn't look up your host*:{ /.CNetWin 4[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Global -- from*:{
if (($5 == NickServ:) || ($5 == ChanServ:) || ($5 == MemoServ:) || ($5 == OperServ:) || ($5 == OperServ2:) || ($5 == RootServ:)) {
if ( $6 == akill ) { /.CServWin 3 $+ [Akill] $+ $6- }
else { /.CServWin 4 $+ $5 $+ $6- }
elseif (*.*: !iswm $5) { /.CGloWin 4[G] $left($5,-1) $+ : $6- }
elseif ( $lower( $left($5,6) ) == stats. ) {
if ($9 == clients) {
/CloneWin 2 $8 clients from2 $11
else {
if ($6 == removed) { /.CServWin 3 $+ [-A] $+ $6- }
else { /.CServWin 3 $+ [Stats] $+ $6- }
elseif ( $lower( $left($5,9) ) == services.) { /.CServWin 10 $+ [Services] $+ $6- }
elseif (( $7 == used ) && ( $8 == SAMODE )) { /.CGloWin 4[G] $5- }
elseif ( ( $6 == Received ) && ( $7 == SQUIT) && ( $9 == from )) { /.CRoutWin 2[R] $5- }
else { /.CNetWin 4[G] $5- }
;<- :hub.suprnova.org NOTICE Static-AFK :*** ChatOps -- from Static-AFK: Blah
on *:INPUT:@NAChat:{
if ( $Left($1-,3) == /me ) { /nachat me $2- | /Halt }
else if (/* !iswm $1) {
/nachat $1-
on *:INPUT:@ChatOps:{
if ( $Left($1-,3) == /me ) { /chatops me $2- | /Halt }
else if (/* !iswm $1) {
/chatops $1-
Alias ChatOps { /.raw CHATOPS : $+ $$1- }
Alias NAChat { /.raw NAChat : $+ $$1- }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** HelpOp -- from*:{
If ($Group(#Helpop).Status == On) {
If ($Active != @HelpOp) { Window -nkeg1 @HelpOp }
Echo -ti2 @HelpOp 10[H] $5 $+ : $6-
On *:INPUT:@HelpOp:if (/* !iswm $1) { helpop $1- | /halt }
Alias HelpOp { .raw HELPOP : $+ $$1- }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** AdminChat -- from*:{
If ($Group(#adminchat).Status == On) {
If ($Active != @AdminChat) { Window -nkeg1 @AdminChat }
If ($6 != me) { Echo -ti2 @AdminChat 6[C] < $+ $left($5,-1) $+ > $6- }
Else { Echo -ti2 @AdminChat 6[N] $+ $color(action) $+ * $left($5,-1) $7- }
on *:INPUT:@AdminChat:{
if ( $Left($1-,3) == /me ) { /adchat me $2- | /Halt }
else if (/* !iswm $1) { /adchat $1-
if ( $Left($1-,1) == : ) { /adchat : $1- | /Halt }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** LocOps -- from*:{
if (( $7 == clones ) && ( $8 == from )) {
/CloneWin 3 $+ $left($5,-1) $+ :2 $6 $+ $7 $8 $+ 2 $9
elseif (( $6 == Auto-KLine ) && ( $7 == activated )) { /.CKilWin 3[L] $left($5,-1) $+ : $6- | /haltdef }
else {
/localopwin 3[L] $left($5,-1) $+ : $6-
on ^*:SNOTICE:[Spamfilter]*: {
if ($Active != @SpamFilter) {
Window -nkeg1 @SpamFilter
echo -i2 @SpamFilter $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4SpamFilter10] $2-
else echo -i2 @SpamFilter $asctime(10(04HH:nn:ss T10)) 10[4SpamFilter10] $2-
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Connecting to *:{ /.CRoutWin 2[R] $2- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:Server *:{ /.CRoutWin 2[R] $1- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Link *:{ /.CRoutWin 2[R] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Could*:{ /.CRoutWin 2[R] $2- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Routing *:{ /.CRoutWin 2[R] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- * is now operator (O)*:{ /.CNetWin 6 $+ $9 $+ $4 $+ $+ $5 has received the power of the gods (is now an IRCop) | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- * has masked their hostname*:{ /.CNetWin 6[O] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Hacked ops *:{ /.CNetWin 4[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- TS*:{ /.CNetWin 4[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- HTM*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Resuming standard operation*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Entering high-traffic mode*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Still high-traffic mode*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- * set new HTM rate*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:NEW Max rate*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $1- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:HTM*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $1- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*Resetting HTM and raising limit to*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:Current Maxclients*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $1- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:NEW MAXCLIENTS*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $1- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*set new MAXCLIENTS to*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:You cannot set MAXCLIENTS to > MASTER_MAX*:{ /.CNetWin 2[N] $1- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Rejecting possible Spambot*:{ /.CNetWin 4[10N4] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Hacked ops*:{ /.CNetWin 4[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Flood --*:{
/floodwin 12[Flood] $4-
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- * sending forbidden filetyped*:{
/Expwin 2[N] $4-
on ^*:NOTICE:*** Notice -- User * (*@*.*) trying to join #* is a possible spambot*:{ /.CNetWin $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Failed OPER attempt by *:{ /.CNetWin 7[O] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Received KILL message for *:{
if ( $gettok($10,0,46) > 2 ) { /var %oper = $gettok($10,1,46) $+ .* }
else { /var %oper = $10 }
if ( $right($8,1) == . ) { /var %killed = $left($8,$calc($len($8) - 1)) }
else { /var %killed = $8 }
/.CKilWin 2[K] %oper killed %killed $13-
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- K-line active for *:{ /.CKilWin 10[K] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Autokill active for *:{ /.CKilWin 10[K] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Z-line active for *:{ /.CKilWin 10[Z] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- STATS*:{
/var %desc
if ($5 == c) { %desc = c (3C/N lines) }
elseif ($5 == h) { %desc = h (3H/L lines) }
elseif ($5 == i) { %desc = i (3I lines) }
elseif ($5 === k) { %desc = k (3Temp klines) }
elseif ($5 === K) { %desc = K (3Perm Klines) }
elseif ($5 === L) { %desc = L (3IP + info) }
elseif ($5 === l) { %desc = l (3Host + info) }
elseif ($5 == m) { %desc = m (3Commands) }
elseif ($5 == o) { %desc = o (3O lines) }
elseif ($5 == p) { %desc = p (3Opers) }
elseif ($5 == t) { %desc = t (3Server info) }
elseif ($5 === U) { %desc = U (3U lines) }
elseif ($5 === u) { %desc = u (3Uptime) }
elseif ($5 == v) { %desc = v (3Other servers) }
elseif ($5 == y) { %desc = y (3Y lines) }
elseif ($5 == z) { %desc = z (3Memory) }
elseif ($5 == ?) { %desc = ? (3Servers SendQ) }
/.CUserWin 4[10N4] STATS %desc $8-10
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- LINKS*:{ /.CUserWin 10[N] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- * requested by *:{ /.CUserWin 4[10N4] $4- | /haltdef }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*:{
If ($9 == K-Line) && ($5 == added) { CNetWin 3[+K] $1- }
ElseIf ($8 == K-Line) && ($6 == removed) { CNetWin 3[-K] $1- }
ElseIf ($5-6 == added Z-Line) { CNetWin 3[+Z] $1- }
ElseIf ($6-8 == sending forbidden filetyped ) { CNetWin 2[N] $1- }
ElseIf ($5-7 == introducing U:lined server) { CRoutWin 2[R] $1- }
ElseIf ($5-7 == was connected for) { CRoutWin 2[R] $1- }
ElseIf ($4-8 == Server already present from) { CRoutWin 2[R] $1- }
ElseIf ($4-5 == Forbidding Q-lined) || ($4 == Q:lined) { Halt }
Else { CRawWin 4[10N4] $1- }
;*** Notice -- Guest7685659 (TF1@d142-59-118-127.abhsia.telus.net) has changed his/her nickname to TF2
on ^*:SNOTICE:*:{
/.CRawWin 4[10N4] $1-
on *:INPUT:@Global Operator Notices:{
if (/* !iswm $1) {
GlobOps $1-
on *:INPUT:@Local Operator Notices:{
if (/* !iswm $1) {
LoCops $1-
Alias OGlobOps { /msg OperServ raw :OperServ globops : $+ $$1- }
Alias GlobOps { .Raw GLOBOPS : $+ $$1- }
Alias LocOps { .Raw LOCOPS : $+ $$1- }
Alias RootServ { .Raw privmsg RootServ : $+ $$1- }
Alias HelpServ { .Raw privmsg HelpServ : $+ $$1- }
Alias StatServ { .Raw privmsg StatServ : $+ $$1- }