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Joined: Mar 2004
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Zeusbwr Offline OP
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ok, well the title didnt fit it all. Basicly thats kinda the problem. Im running an external text editor to edit mirc's script (mEditor to be exact) and i cant use the ascii #15 character via Ctrl+O.

And i need that to msg null sentances. Basicly it puts a empty line for sake of the look (menus ect..)
<Bot> Text
<Bot> More Text

Like line #2. Ok so since it cant do ctrl+o, i need to put an ident to give it $chr(15), now if i remember right (im tired but i should be right) $chr(15) works right, but i use the 15th character and for the sake of my laze self i dont wanna do that. So simply enough i make an ident, $4 to be exact, to put the $chr(15) in for me. Now thats where i ran into a problem.

How do i make it work? basicly i wanna shortcut $chr(15) to something i can do real quick. And since this is an external editor i need to bind it to an ident, so i can simply go $4 would be great (Shift, Double tap 4, easy as pie). I dunno what to do, i tried like
alias 4 $chr(36) $+ chr(15)

and it returns $chr(15) just fine but the script (msg nick $4) doesent re eval the $chr(15), it just returns "$chr(15)". Btw the $chr(36) is $, i could be wrong but i know the script is right ($asc($)).

So without adding more text and like doing an external eval like
 msg nick [ $4 ] 

because that just defeats the purpose of trying to make a nice and simple short code like $4. Any ideas? or am i just ganna have to crappily type in $chr(15) everytime i want a line like "msg nick "?

Well any help/workarounds would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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1. It's a very bad idea to use an identifier that's just a number, because it clashes with mIRC's $n (where n is any number from 1 to the number of parameters) identifier. I couldn't even get a custom $4 identifier to work at all.

2. Your identifier doesn't make any sense to me. For one thing you're not using return anywhere. I also don't understand why you're using $chr(36) $+ chr(15) instead of $chr(15).

You solution is to not use a number for your alias. And use this format:
alias aliasname return $chr(15)

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Zeusbwr Offline OP
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as i said i was tired, and not on my comp. plus i just got up now so im still tired and not on my comp lol

and ya i had guess bout the number thing but i also tried the ident "$wee" and it didnt work (ya i know im a retard for naming it wee lol).

Yes i know about return also, trust me mine has return otherwise it wouldent return the otherone i tried, $chr(36) $+ chr(15)

The reason i tried $chr(36) $+ chr(15) is so it returns "$chr(15)" like i hoped would work. (keep in mind the ascii # is correct on my mirc, but i forget if #36 is actually $ from my offhand memory).

but if i use
alias name return $chr(15) it does NOT work. that was the first thing i tried. Now hopefully this is not an error of me being tired lastnight. I'll go try it now on my comp and reply in a min, im almost positive it dont work.

Can you make a command to do "msg nick $aliasname" and it returns "<yournick> " (notice the small space and no actual text).

Anyway thanks and sorry for not adding the return, im tired lol. Imma go try it in a sec to make sure it dont work, as i said it might be a product of me being tired. Thanks smile

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Zeusbwr Offline OP
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sorry it took so long, lol.. i fell asleep rofl laugh. Im awake now atleast! lol, well i tested it befor and $r seems to work, at first it didnt so i was doin somethin wrong but then it did. All i can think of is lastnight $4 was freakin out like yours did, and when i changed it to $aliasname i musta changed the alias too, instead of simply keeping it "return $chr(15)" like it originally was. Anyway, thanks smile. And sorry for putting up with my tired moronic self lol smile

Btw, if anyone reads this, has anyone posted the bug about "var %vname $customident"? iv ran into it a lot and best i can guess is its mostly custom variables that causes the problems.

I talked it over in IRC forums and had a few other people test it with their own idents and variables and they ran into the same problem. Simply making the %varname temp via the var command, then making "%varname = $customident" works fine. But if you went "var %varname $customident" it would say that the custom ident has the problem and not the var command. Its very odd and i forgot bout it and it hit me the otherday and i couldent figure it out then i remembered. Simply by going..
var %varname
%varname = $customident

would make it work, and as i said i had other people test it (3 to be exact) and they ran into the same problem with their OWN CODE, so it wasent my ident lol. Anyway thanks, if its not posted imma post it cuz for many versions it been buggin me, Thanks!

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The proper form for /var is /var %varname = value - if the bug doesn't occur with that syntax then it's not really a bug.

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Zeusbwr Offline OP
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k i'll check it sometime soon, and if it still happends i'll post on the boards bout it. Thanks smile

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