ok, well the title didnt fit it all. Basicly thats kinda the problem. Im running an external text editor to edit mirc's script (mEditor to be exact) and i cant use the ascii #15 character via Ctrl+O.
And i need that to msg null sentances. Basicly it puts a empty line for sake of the look (menus ect..)
<Bot> Text
<Bot> More Text
Like line #2. Ok so since it cant do ctrl+o, i need to put an ident to give it $chr(15), now if i remember right (im tired but i should be right) $chr(15) works right, but i use the 15th character and for the sake of my laze self i dont wanna do that. So simply enough i make an ident, $4 to be exact, to put the $chr(15) in for me. Now thats where i ran into a problem.
How do i make it work? basicly i wanna shortcut $chr(15) to something i can do real quick. And since this is an external editor i need to bind it to an ident, so i can simply go $4 would be great (Shift, Double tap 4, easy as pie). I dunno what to do, i tried like
alias 4 $chr(36) $+ chr(15)
and it returns $chr(15) just fine but the script (msg nick $4) doesent re eval the $chr(15), it just returns "$chr(15)". Btw the $chr(36) is $, i could be wrong but i know the script is right ($asc($)).
So without adding more text and like doing an external eval like
because that just defeats the purpose of trying to make a nice and simple short code like $4. Any ideas? or am i just ganna have to crappily type in $chr(15) everytime i want a line like "msg nick "?
Well any help/workarounds would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!