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#93062 06/08/04 05:00 PM
Joined: Jul 2004
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ShinZon Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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does every ircd (asuka, epona, hybrid, ircu bla bla bla...)
contain /samode or some are completely blank with no commands at all ?

#93063 06/08/04 05:11 PM
Joined: May 2004
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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if you mean using the server to change modes on a channel, on ircu(-asuka) this is done by using opmode. i dont know those other ircd's you mention.

#93064 06/08/04 10:40 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Every IRCd is different in some way and feature levels vary to a great degree too. You need to read documentation that comes with each one you look at to confirm existance of a particular function.

Originally IRCds were unique to each network. They were usually written by the people that ran them. Apart from a few networks which still maintain their own coding teams it doesn't work that way anymore. People use either commercial software taylored to their portals or they make use of IRCds written for other networks and then usually use a webchat aplication written by another company/individual if they want that added too.

#93065 07/08/04 03:30 AM
Joined: Jul 2004
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ShinZon Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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are you oper there ?

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