umm, i dont think thats the proper syntax to $submenu, it would be more something like...
alias awaypopups {
if ($1 == 1) return -
if ($1 == 2) && ($away) return i am away(whatever)
if ($1 == 3) && (!$away) return i am not away(whatever)
the $submenu fuction, when called, send 1,2,3 etc untill it gets to the end of your submenu alias, so you have to match the data sent, if ($1 == number), then you can check for any other matches you want, && ($away), just a note on this one, you dont need to use $away == $true, because stuff like $away RETURN $true or $false bassed on the state, and when you call an if, its bassed on $tru or $false or $null, so, if ($away == $true) is the SAME as if ($away), and for false it would just be if (!$away), understand what i mean? it isnt a big difference, but it does save some space, and some writting :P