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I need some help with an auto response. I want to responed to people after I auto op them, but only if I op them. This is what i have so far

On *:Text:*Thanks for the*:#mar-ops:{
/msg $chan Not a problem $nick

any suggestions?
Thanks grin

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on @*:Text:*Thanks for the*:#mar-ops:{
if ( $istok(%opped,$nick,32) ) {
/msg $chan Not a problem $nick
set %opped $remtok(%opped,$nick,1,32)

on @:op:#mar-ops: {
if ( $nick == $me ) {
set %opped %opped $opnick

try something like that...

//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no
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Thanks, but that doesnt seem to be working.

Whats : %opped

thanks for ya help

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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in mode changes like op deop and so on the person making the change is held in $nick
on *:op:#:if ($nick == $me) { msg $chan $nick has opped $opnick }

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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and if you're making the change you can do this:

on me:*:op:#:msg $chan $nick has opped $opnick

That will only trigger when YOU do it. If you're planning on using things for others and you, use what MikeChat showed you as it'll be easier to integrate

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This is what i have
on @*:Text:*Thanks for the*:#mar-ops:{
if ( $istok(%opped,$nick,32) ) {
/say Not a problem $nick
set %opped $remtok(%opped,$nick,1,32)

on *:op:#:if ($nick == $me) { msg $chan $nick gave ops to $opnick }
on me:*:op:#:msg $chan $nick gave ops to $opnick
Only the last line of code works. Can you help me fix the top part?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on me:*:op:#:msg $chan $nick gave ops to $opnick


on *:op:#:if ($nick == $me) { msg $chan $nick gave ops to $opnick }

So you dont need both of them.

on @*:Text:*Thanks for the*:#mar-ops:{
  if ( $istok(%opped,$nick,32) ) {
   say Not a problem $nick
   set %opped $remtok(%opped,$nick,1,32)

As for the above, does it even trigger? Maybe try this to test to see if it even triggers:

on @*:Text:*Thanks for the*:#mar-ops:{
  echo -s THIS IS A TEST
  if ( $istok(%opped,$nick,32) ) {
   say Not a problem $nick
   set %opped $remtok(%opped,$nick,1,32)

If the "this is a test" does not even fire, that would be a place to start figuring out why it wont (like multiple on text events etc)

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This is a test showed up...but the rest doesnt.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This might sound stupid but why not use:

if ($nick isin %opped) {
 say Not a problem $nick
 set %opped $remtok(%opped,$nick,1,32)

I understand you are trying to see if the token (which is actually the nickname firing the event) exists in that variable, but would my above example work for you? Tokens arent my thing and while I understand them, I feel like Im missing something important but it could just be me.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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One usually doesnt use "isin" when searching for specific set of characters in a phrase, because:

%var being; testingabc this is a test

if (abc isin %var) would return true, because, it appears in the string, however it is NOT a "word" on its own.. whereas $istok checked if it was a "word" by looking to see if there was a space either side..

If you are still looking for a working solution, with the same effect as the first lot of coding..

On *:Text:*Thanks for the*:[color:red]#channel
if (!$hget(opr,$nick)) {
msg $chan Not a problem $nick
hadd -mu60 opr $nick 1

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I agree for that exact reason, but I just couldnt (for some stupid reason) figure out that simple token code - it just wasnt happening lol Im sure you know what I mean

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Then you're probably not adding the nick to the var when you op them.
  • on me:@*:op:#mar-ops:set %opped $addtok(%opped,$opnick,32)

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that works but it does it even when Im not the one doing the opping

[01:30] * murda-- sets mode: +v T-MaC
[01:30] <T-MaC> • Thanks for the +v •
[01:30] > Not a problem T-MaC

I want it to do it just for opping when i do it. I figured out how to get it to do it in any chan im in but I cant figure out how to do it just for ops by me. Any Suggestions?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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so then do something as simple as

if ($nick == $me) { stuff }

the above means if YOU op the person.

if ($opnick == $me) { stuff }

the above means if you're the one being opped

if (($opnick == $me) && ($nick == $me)) { stuff }

the above means if you're the one opping and you're the one being opped (thought Id throw this in anyhow jsut to illustrate is all). Do any of those help you out at all??

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I tried what you posted , but it doesnt work? what goes where "stuff" is?

if ($nick == $me) { stuff }

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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referrencing therat's example:

on @:op:#mar-ops: {
  if ($nick == $me) { set %opped %opped $opnick }

See how it all fits together? if you have more if statements that you want to fire when you're the one who opped somebody you'd use (totally made up code):

on @:op:#mar-ops: {
  if ($nick == $me) {
    if ($nick == hello-there) { command1 }
    if ($me == Bossman) { msg # Bossman says know your role }

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