what is wrong ?
when i make the mirc smaller the icon on the tool bar is not smaller its on my desktop what is wrong at these script sorry für me bad english:
alias _mdx var %dll = $scriptdir\mdx.dll | return $dll(%dll,$1,$2-)
alias _mdx.start _mdx SetMircVersion $version | _mdx MarkDialog $dname
on *:start:/icon_
on *:load:{
set %item1 Services
on *:CONNECT:{
set %item1 Services
alias icon_ {
if ($dialog(icon_)) { echo -a :: Loading:: }
else {
if ($exists(mdx.dll) == $true) && ($exists(bars.mdx) == $true) { dialog -m icon_ icon_ }
if ($exists(mdx.dll) == $false) { echo -a :: Load mdx.dll the $+ $mircdir $+ bla\ :: }
if ($exists(bars.mdx) == $false) { echo -a :: Load bars.mdx the $+ $mircdir $+ bla\ :: }
on *:dialog:icon_:init:*: {
_mdx SetMircVersion $version
_mdx MarkDialog $dname
_mdx SetControlMDX 2 ToolBar flat nodivider arrows > bars.mdx
_mdx SetDialog $dname style
_mdx SetBorderStyle 2 windowedge
did -i icon_ 2 1 bmpsize 16 16
did -i icon_ 2 1 setimage icon large 3.ico
did -a icon_ 2 -
did -a icon_ 2 1 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ %item1
did -a icon_ 2 -
dialog icon_ {
title "test"
size 549 41 29 0
button "",1, 0 0 0 0, ok
list 2, -2 1 800 800
on *:dialog:icon_:sclick:*:{
if ($did(2).sel == 3) { _services }