$titlebar returns the contents added via /titlebar, if you want to return the entire title, including the statistics added by mIRC a simple very basic script can be used since mIRC just gathers the information from elsewhere.. i.e.
alias titlebar.all {
if ($active == Status Window) {
if (!$server) {
%tc = [Status: not connected ( $+ $me $+ $iif($eval($+(%,titlebar.,$network),2),$chr(44) $eval($+(%,titlebar.,$network),2)) $+ )]
else {
%tc = [Status: $me $iif($usermode,[[ $+ $usermode $+ ]]) on $network ( $+ $server $+ : $+ $port $+ ) $iif($online,$chr(40) $+ $gettok($duration($online,3),1-2,58) $+ $chr(41)) $+ ]
elseif ($active ischan) {
%tc = [[ $+ # [[ $+ $nick(#,0) $+ ]] [[ $+ $chan(#).mode $+ ]: $chan(#).topic
elseif ($query($active)) {
%tc = [[ $+ $active $+ $iif($address($active,5), $chr(32) $+ $chr(40) $+ $gettok($ifmatch,2-,33) $+ $chr(41)) $+ ]]
return $iif($titlebar,$ifmatch -) %tc
On *:DISCONNECT:{ set $+(%,titlebar.,$network) $server }
On *:START:{ unset $+(%,titlebar.,*) }