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Joined: Nov 2003
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 257
can an alias be echo'd to the toolbar? if so how ?

Joined: Apr 2004
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 45
uh, the toolbar is a bunch of icons, how could that be possible? you can mount a dialog to the toolbar with dlls and I guess cheat and do it that way, but are we even talking about the same thing?


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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You can also use /window's to place a @window on top of the actual toolbar, although this would require some degree of persision, it is possible to write text onto the toolbar, or, at least make it appear that way.

Just to add.. a VERY basic method would be the following, though it may require some tweaking and isnt suppose to be perfect;

alias toolbar {
if (!$1-) { var %fts = 15 | var %ft = This is a demo. }
else { var %fts = $len($1-) | var %ft = $1- }
var %fs = 12
window -c @toolbar
window -pBk0hdo +Ld @toolbar $calc($window(-1).w - [color:blue]280
) 52 $calc(%fts * 6) $calc(%fs + 7)
drawfill -r @toolbar $rgb(236,233,216) 1 1 1 1
drawtext @toolbar 2 Arial %fs 1 1 %ft

if ($appactive == $true) { window -or @toolbar }
else { window -nu @toolbar }

The, red must be changed to the text you want to display, by DEFAULT.

The blue should be changed if the text isnt appearing in the right HORIZONTAL (left-right) position, increase the integer to go more to the left of the screen and, decrease to go more to the right.

The orange should be changed if the text isnt in the correct VERTICAL (top-bottom) position, decrease to go more to the top, and increase to go further to the bottom.

You can use it via the syntax:

Joined: Nov 2003
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 257
That's exactly what I was looking for, I plan on putting something there for my script.Thanks alot for your help you were very helpful. smile

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