i think i got everythine else ok,
what im trying to do is when someone fills text in and hits ok,
it will play that text in a channel,
but im not sure how to trigger that,
alias prayerr { dialog -m prayerr prayerr }
dialog prayerr {
Title "Prayer Request"
Size -1 -1 400 200
icon graphics/icon.ico, index
text "PHMinistries Prayer Request", 1, 110 17 170 13,center
text "Enter Your Prayer Request ", 2, 110 30 170 13,center
text "In The Box And Press Ok", 3, 110 50 170 13,center
text "Or Cancel To Abort", 4, 110 70 170 13,center
edit "", 5, 10 90 380 20
button "Cancel", 6, 200 130 60 20,cancel
button "OK", 7, 150 130 60 20,ok
icon 8,100 160 200 200,graphics/icon.ico, index, center
icon 9,150 160 200 200,graphics/icon.ico, index, center
icon 10,200 160 200 200,graphics/icon.ico, index, center
icon 11,250 160 200 200, graphics/icon.ico, index, center
how do i do an sclick and get it to do something with whats in the box?