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Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 18
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 18
I've got the NexGen Secure Query Script, but I want to add something to it.

I'm using NNScript 3.81 with mIRC 6.15. With NNScript, in a Query Window, it shows the common channels between each user.

If needed, I can try and find that code, but it might make greeny (the author of NNScript) a bit unhappy. Here are some diagrams, ones the original the other is of what I want, and below is the script:


Desired Result:

Is anyone able to help me? Thanks.



;Secure Query v2.17
;Team Nexgen 2002 by KnightFal

on *:load:{
if ($version < 5.91) echo -a  $+ $colour(info2) $+ *** This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , you need latest mirc in order to use this addon. | beep
echo -a 4Team Nexgen's Secure Query v2.17 | echo -a 4Please type: /secure.query in channel to begin dialog.
;[read write data/setting.ini]
alias _vr {
if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini }
return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
alias _vw {
if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini }
writeini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2 $$3-
alias _vrem {
if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini }
remini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
menu query,menubar {
secure query
.add access:.auser -a securequery $address($1,3) | .msg $1 [automated msg] You have free access to message me. | $ae •12• user added » (12 $address($1,3) ) | if ($dialog(querycon) != $null) { did -r querycon 45 | s.levels }
.on $sqo: _vw querycon switch on
.off $sqf: _vw querycon switch off
menu status {
secure query
.on $sqo: _vw querycon switch on
.off $sqf: _vw querycon switch off
alias -l sqo {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { return [x] }
else { return }
alias -l sqf {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == off) { return [x] }
else { return }
alias secure.query {
if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a 4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC www.mirc.com | beep | halt }
if ($dialog(querycon) == $null) { dialog -m querycon querycon }
alias secure.query.nick {
if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a 4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC www.mirc.com | beep | halt }
dialog -m $_vr(querycon,query.nick) querycon1
_vrem querycon lastmsg
dialog querycon1 {
title "secure query"
size -1 -1 160 81
option dbu
box "", 33, 7 14 146 42
button "accept", 28, 9 62 25 10, disable default ok
button "ignore", 26, 36 62 25 10, disable
button "decline", 27, 63 62 25 10, disable
edit "", 1, 32 21 119 10, read autohs
edit "", 30, 32 31 119 10, read autohs
edit "", 29, 32 41 119 10, read autohs
check "enable secure query", 31, 10 6 70 7
button "setup", 2, 92 63 21 8
button "add access", 3, 114 63 37 8, disable
box "", 4, 7 57 146 18
text "nick", 5, 9 22 10 8
text "address", 6, 9 32 19 8
text "message", 7, 9 42 21 8
text "", 8, 130 5 27 8, right
text "", 9, 76 5 53 8, right
dialog querycon {
title "secure query v2.17"
size -1 -1 167 119
option dbu
button "ok", 12, 70 104 25 10, default ok
tab "config", 2, 2 1 163 115
edit "", 3, 4 43 159 10, tab 2 autohs
text "standby message", 13, 4 35 44 7, tab 2
edit "", 4, 4 60 159 10, tab 2 autohs
check "enable", 15, 11 83 32 10, tab 2
button "select sound", 16, 45 83 37 10, tab 2
box "audible alert on query request", 17, 8 75 80 22, tab 2
edit "", 208, 107 79 17 9, tab 2
button "-", 206, 99 81 6 6, tab 2
text "seconds", 210, 135 80 20 7, tab 2
box "auto-close dialog", 209, 95 71 63 30, tab 2
button "+", 207, 126 81 6 6, tab 2
text "decline message", 14, 4 53 44 7, tab 2
check "enable secure query", 33, 11 20 66 10, tab 2
check "notify user has access", 49, 92 20 66 10, tab 2
check "enable auto-close", 50, 99 89 58 10, tab 2
box "", 51, 7 15 154 18, tab 2
tab "log", 11
list 34, 7 20 42 50, tab 11 sort size hsbar
button "remove", 35, 7 73 29 8, tab 11
button "copy", 39, 131 72 29 8, tab 11
check "log query requests", 43, 7 95 58 10, tab 11
edit "", 52, 86 84 74 10, tab 11 autohs
button "add access", 53, 48 85 37 8, tab 11
edit "", 64, 54 21 106 50, tab 11 read multi vsbar
button "remove all", 65, 7 83 29 8, tab 11
tab "protection", 32
radio "universal mask *!*@*", 211, 15 42 62 12, tab 32
radio "host mask ignore", 212, 15 56 62 9, tab 32
box "query flood ignore type", 213, 11 34 70 34, tab 32
edit "", 214, 87 54 10 10, tab 32
check "enable", 219, 89 42 40 10, tab 32
box "query flood protection", 216, 85 34 70 34, tab 32
edit "", 217, 125 54 15 10, tab 32
text "queries in", 215, 99 56 24 7, tab 32
text "secs", 218, 141 55 17 7, tab 32
tab "access", 40
list 41, 11 42 146 50, tab 40 sort size hsbar
button "remove", 42, 12 96 37 8, disable tab 40
text "user access", 44, 12 34 29 8, tab 40
edit "", 45, 26 19 106 10, tab 40 autohs
button "add", 46, 134 20 29 8, disable tab 40
text "address", 47, 6 20 19 8, tab 40
tab "about", 54
box "", 55, 30 23 106 70, tab 54
text "author:", 56, 60 31 17 8, tab 54
text "version", 58, 60 42 17 8, tab 54
link "www.team-nexgen.com", 59, 56 80 59 8, tab 54
text "KnightFal", 60, 84 31 22 8, tab 54
text "v2.17", 61, 84 42 14 8, tab 54
text "It is important to keep your Team Nexgen addon's updated. You will find them on our web site.", 63, 34 55 97 20, tab 54
on *:dialog:*:init:*:{
if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c querycon 33 }
elseif ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on | did -c querycon 33 }
if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.host) == $null) { _vw querycon ignore.host on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off }
if ($_vr(querycon,decline) == $null) { _vw querycon decline Sorry, I have declined your query, please try a more convient time. }
if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) && ($_vr(querycon,ignore.host) == off) { did -c querycon 211 1 }
else did -c querycon 212 1
did -o querycon 3 1 $_vr(querycon,standby)
did -o querycon 4 1 $_vr(querycon,decline)
if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { did -c querycon 15 }
if ($_vr(querycon,timer) == $null) { _vw querycon timer 240 }
did -o querycon 208 1 $_vr(querycon,timer)
if ($_vr(querycon,max.query) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query 5 | did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query) }
else did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query)
if ($_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query.sec 20 | did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) }
else did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec)
if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == on) did -c querycon 219
else did -b querycon 211,217,212,214
if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) { did -c querycon 43 }
elseif ($_vr(querycon,log) == $null) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 }
if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { did -c querycon 49 }
elseif ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == $null) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 }
if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { did -c querycon 50 }
did -b querycon 46,42
did -z querycon 34
if ($dialog($dname) == $_vr(querycon,query.nick)) {
if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { %qs.nick = $_vr(querycon,query.nick) | .timer 1 $sq_t close.qw }
on *:dialog:querycon:edit:*:{
if ($did == 3) {
if ($did(querycon,3).text != $null) {
_vw querycon standby $did(querycon,3).text
if ($did == 4) {
if ($did(querycon,4).text != $null) {
_vw querycon decline $did(querycon,4).text
if ($did == 45) {
if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) { did -e querycon 46 }
elseif ($did(querycon,45).text == $null) { did -b querycon 46 }
if ($did == 208) {
if ($did(querycon,208).text != $null) {
_vw querycon timer $did(querycon,208).text
if ($did == 214) {
if ($did(querycon,214).text != $null) {
_vw querycon max.query $did(querycon,214).text
if ($did == 217) {
if ($did(querycon,217).text != $null) {
_vw querycon max.query.sec $did(querycon,217).text

on *:dialog:*:sclick:*:{
if (Query request $dname == $dialog($dname).title) {
if ($did == 2) { secure.query }
if ($did == 3) {
auser -a securequery $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) $did(1,$did(1)) | did -b $did(1,$did(1)) 3
if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [automated msg] You have free access to message me. } }
if ($did == 27) { .ignore -pu180 $did(30,$did(30)) | .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [automated msg] $_vr(querycon,decline) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) }
if ($did == 28) {
.ignore -r $address($did(1,$did(1)),2) | query $did(1,$did(1)) | .timer -m 1 1 echo $did(1,$did(1)) %sctime 02( $+ $did(1,$did(1)) $+ 02) $did(29,$did(29)) | _vrem querycon lastmsg
if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [automated msg] Query request accepted. }
dialog -x $did(1,$did(1))
if ($did == 26) { .ignore -p $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) }
if ($did == 31) {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on }
else { _vw querycon switch off }
if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) {
if ($did == 15) {
if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) != on) { _vw querycon soundswitch on | did -c querycon 15 }
else { _vw querycon soundswitch off | did -u querycon 15 }
if ($did == 16) { setquerysound }
if ($did == 206) { if (%timer > 0) { dec %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer } }
if ($did == 207) { inc %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer }

if ($did == 39) { clipboard < $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) $+ > $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) }
if ($did == 34) { did -r querycon 64 | did -a querycon 64 $chr(91) $+ $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),date) $+ $chr(93) | did -a querycon 64 $crlf $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) | did -o querycon 52 1 $_vr(securequery,$did(34,$did(34).sel))) }
if ($did == 33) {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on }
else { _vw querycon switch off }
if ($did == 35) { write -ds $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) securequery\names.txt | _vrem securequery $did(34,$did(34).sel)) | .timer -m 1 1 nick.list }
if ($did == 41) { did -e querycon 42,46 | did -o querycon 45 1 $did(41,$did(41).sel)) }
if ($did == 42) { ruser $did(41,$did(41).sel) | s.levels }
if ($did == 43) {
if ($_vr(querycon,log) != on) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 }
else { _vw querycon log off }
if ($did == 50) {
if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) != on) { _vw querycon auto-close on | did -c querycon 50 }
else { _vw querycon auto-close off }
if ($did == 53) {
if ($did(querycon,52).text != $null) {
.auser -a securequery $did(querycon,52).text | did -r querycon 52
if ($did == 49) {
if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) != on) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 }
else { _vw querycon notifyaccess off }
if ($did == 46) {
if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) {
.auser -a securequery $did(querycon,45).text | did -r querycon 45 | s.levels
if ($did == 65) { .remove securequery\names.txt | .remove securequery\logs.ini | did -r querycon 64,34,52 }
if ($did == 211) {
if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == off) { _vw querycon ignore.uni on | _vw querycon ignore.host off | did -c querycon 211 | did -u querycon 212 }
else { _vw querycon ignore.uni off | _vw querycon ignore.host on | did -u querycon 211 | did -c querycon 212 }
if ($did == 212) {
if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.host) == off) { _vw querycon ignore.host on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off | did -c querycon 212 | did -u querycon 211 }
else { _vw querycon ignore.host off | _vw querycon ignore.uni on | did -u querycon 212 | did -c querycon 211 }
if ($did == 219) {
if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == off) { _vw querycon netflood on | did -c querycon 219 | did -e querycon 211,217,212,214 }
else { _vw querycon netflood off | did -u querycon 219 | did -b querycon 211,217,212,214 }
alias -l sr {
if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini }
return $readini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
alias -l sw {
if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini }
writeini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2 $$3-
alias -l srem {
if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini }
remini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
on ^*:open:?: {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on }
if ($finddir($mircdir\,securequery*,1) == $null) { mkdir securequery }
if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) != on) {
inc %upflood15 1
if (%upflood15 > $_vr(querycon,max.query)) {
if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) *!*@* }
else { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) $wildsite }
echo -a 4[ ALERT ] $nick is Query Flooding. User ( $+ $wildsite $+ ) now ignored for $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) secs.
.timer 1 60 unset %upflood15
if ($_vr(querycon,standby) == $null) { _vw querycon standby Please standby for acknowledgement. I am using a secure query event. You will be notified if accepted. Until then your msgs will be ignored. }
if ($level($address($nick,3)) == securequery) { goto end }
if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Global) { goto end }
if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Nickserv) { goto end }
if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Chanserv) { goto end }
if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Memoserv) { goto end }
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) {
if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { if ($_vr(querycon,sound) != $null) { splay $_vr(querycon,sound) } }
set %sctime $asctime(2(12HH02:12nn02:12ss02))
echo -a $asctime(2(12HH02:12nn02:12ss02))  $+ 7 $+ Query with $nick
echo -a $asctime(2(12HH02:12nn02:12ss02))  $+ 7 $+ Waiting for acknowledgement...
if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) {
if ($read(securequery\names.txt, w, $nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt }
sw $nick date $asctime(h:nn:sstt m/d) | sw $nick msg $strip($1-,burc) | write securequery/names.txt $nick | _vw securequery $nick $wildsite | nick.list
.msg $nick [automated msg] $_vr(querycon,standby)
_vw querycon query.nick $nick
if ($dialog($nick) == $null) { secure.query.nick }
dialog -t $_vr(querycon,query.nick) Query request $nick
did -o $nick 1 1 $_vr(querycon,query.nick)
.ignore -pu120 $wildsite
whosqial $nick
did -o $nick 9 1 ( $+ $network $+ )
did -o $nick 30 1 updating...
did -o $nick 29 1 $strip($1-,burc)
did -o $nick 8 1 $asctime(hh:nntt)

if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c $nick 31 }
#sqialud off
raw 352:*: {
if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -os $6 30 1 *!* $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | did -se $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | haltdef }
else { if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -es $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | halt } }
raw 315:*: {
#sqialud end
alias -l whosqial { .enable #sqialud | .who $$1 }
alias -l secure.dir {
mkdir " $+ $mircdirsecurequery $+ \ $+ "
return securequery $+ \
alias -l sq_t {
return $_vr(querycon,timer)

alias -l nick.list {
if ($dialog(querycon) != $null) {
did -r querycon 64,34,52
var %fst = $lines(securequery\names.txt)
var %f = 1
while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,%f) | inc %f 1 }
alias -l s.levels {
did -r querycon 41
var %s.l = $ulist(*,securequery,0)
if (%s.l == 0) { did -b querycon 42 | return }
else did -e querycon 42
var %s.w = 0
inc %s.w
if (%s.w <= %s.l) { did -a querycon 41 $ulist(*,securequery,%s.w) | goto loop }
else return
alias -l close.qw { if ($dialog(%qs.nick) != $null) dialog -x %qs.nick }
alias -l setquerysound {
_vw querycon sound $$dir="Choose a wav:" $mircdir*.wav;*mp3;*.mid

Last edited by Indefinate; 20/07/04 09:44 AM.
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,544
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,544
Have you thought about asking the author for some help with it? Maybe it's something (s)he might like or put into a future version as an option (knowing NOTHING about the author or script). Just a thought is all. Other than that, I cant be of any help on this sorry frown

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 18
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 18
The author stopped advances on this script aaages ago - already asked once, was denied any help.


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Posts: 3,012
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 3,012
Not positive if this'll work, but I gave it my attempt...

The dialog querycon1 should be replaced with the following (this gives added field)

dialog querycon1 {
title "secure query"
size -1 -1 160 90
option dbu
box "", 33, 7 14 146 52
button "accept", 28, 9 72 25 10, disable default ok
button "ignore", 26, 36 72 25 10, disable
button "decline", 27, 63 72 25 10, disable
edit "", 1, 32 21 119 10, read autohs
edit "", 30, 32 31 119 10, read autohs
edit "", 29, 32 51 119 10, read autohs
edit "", 11, 32 41 119 10, read autohs
check "enable secure query", 31, 10 6 70 7
button "setup", 2, 92 73 21 8
button "add access", 3, 114 73 37 8, disable
box "", 4, 7 67 146 18
text "nick", 5, 9 22 10 8
text "address", 6, 9 32 19 8
text "message", 7, 9 52 21 8
text "common", 10, 9 42 20 8
text "", 8, 130 5 27 8, right
text "", 9, 76 5 53 8, right

Then in the even on ^*:open:?: { locate the following lines:

did -o $nick 9 1 ( $+ $network $+ )
did -o $nick 30 1 updating...
did -o $nick 29 1 $strip($1-,burc)
did -o $nick 8 1 $asctime(hh:nntt)

Shortly after them (before the if), add:

var %c = $comchan($nick,0)
while (%c > 0) { var %com = $addtok(%com,$comchan($nick,%c),32) | /dec %c }
/did -a $nick 11 %com

I *think* that'll work, but untested.


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