I noticed(i didnt find it, Kamek did actually, but noones posted it, so i figured i might as well) a bug in the /continue alias, this happens in 6.15, but doesnt happen in previous versions.
allow me to explain.... this alias here:
alias xyz {
var %i = 2
while (%i > 0) {
echo beginning A; i = %i
if (%i == 1) {
echo setting i to 0, j to $true and restarting A...
%i = 0
%j = $true
var %j = $true
while (%j) {
echo beginning B
var %j
echo end of A
dec %i
echo end of alias; i = %i
returns this on 6.03-6.14:
beginning A; i = 2
beginning B
end of A
beginning A; i = 1
setting i to 0, j to $true and restarting A...
end of alias; i = 0
and this on 6.15:
beginning A; i = 2
beginning B
end of A
beginning A; i = 1
setting i to 0, j to $true and restarting A...
beginning B
end of A
end of alias; i = -1
the problem lies in continue, because if continue is replaced with goto(and the marker at the begning of the while loop) then it will return as versions 6.03-6.14 do(could be more, but those were tested :P
so thats the bug.....i didnt write or do any of the testing, im just posting it, all this was discovered and written by Kamek.