It would be usefull and time consuming to see a multiple tab option in dialogs.


list 1, 5 60 120 290, sort, tab 100, tab 200, tab 400
list 2, 5 60 120 290, sort, tab 300, tab 500

I have run into it a few times where I needed to double up code to "share" things between different tabs. If there is a work around Id LOVE to know about it wink

Also highlighting a search match would be nice, but not a big deal:


if ($did == 79) {
did -r who 80
var %who.list.list = $did(who,78).text, %who.list.line = 1
if ($read(chanlist.txt,%who.list.line) == $null) { goto done }
if (%who.list.list isin $read(chanlist.txt, %who.list.line)) {
did -az who 80 $read(chanlist.txt, %who.list.line)
inc %who.list.line
goto line
else {
inc %who.list.line
goto line
the above returns all matches, and lists them, but it would be nice to highlight the original search string in the results. Kind of in the way notepads find does.


sometimes these are as bad as quit messages :tongue: