I m current using this script for acronyms but only replaces the acro on the beginning of the phrase if the acro is on the middle it doesn't replace I trie dto fix it by myself but it didn't work frown
any way to make it work ? here is the code
; ###### Aliases ######
alias Acronyms { if $dialog(Acronyms) = Acronyms halt | dialog -m Acronyms Acronyms }
alias Acronyms.read { return $readini -n " $+ $mircdiracronyms\acronyms.ini $+ " $1 $2 } 
alias Acronyms.letter { if $dialog(Acronyms.letter) = Acronyms.letter halt | dialog -m Acronyms.letter Acronyms.letter }
alias Acronyms.row { if $dialog(Acronyms.row) = Acronyms.row halt | dialog -m Acronyms.row Acronyms.row } 
alias Acronyms.rem { remini " $+ $mircdirAcronyms\acronyms.ini $+ " $1 $2 } 
alias Acronyms.add { writeini " $+ $mircdirAcronyms\acronyms.ini $+ " $1 $2 $3- }
alias Acronyms.list {
  did -ra $dname 4 $Acronyms.read(LONGLIST,1) | did -r $dname 2
  var %Acronyms.tmp = 0 
  inc %Acronyms.tmp 1
  if ($Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,%Acronyms.tmp) != $null) { did -a $dname 2 $Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,%Acronyms.tmp) | goto Acrolist }
  did -c $dname 2 1 
;This part below are talkers my friend mike made, i just changed the alias $identifier to Acrotalk/Acrotalk2.
alias Acrotalk2 {
  unset %moontalk
  %i = 1
  %temp = $replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(160))
  if ($mid(%temp,%i,1) != $null) {
    if ( 2 // %i ) { set %coler %Acronyms.1.Colour } 
    else { set %coler %Acronyms.2.Colour }  
    %moontalk = %moontalk $+  $+ %coler $+ $mid(%temp,%i,1) $+ $chr(3)
    inc %i
    goto next 
  else {
    { return %moontalk }
alias Acrotalk {
  unset %moontalk
  %i = 1
  %temp = $replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(160))
  %moontalk = $chr(3) $+ %Acronyms.1.Colour $+ $mid(%temp,%i,1)
  inc %i   
  if ( $mid(%temp,$calc(%i - 1),1) == $chr(160) ) {
    %moontalk = %moontalk $+ $chr(3) $+ %Acronyms.1.Colour $+ $mid(%temp,%i,1)  
    inc %i 
    goto next
  elseif ( $mid(%temp,%i,1) != $null ) {
    %moontalk = %moontalk $+ $chr(3) $+ %Acronyms.2.Colour $+ $mid(%temp,%i,1) $+ $chr(3)
    inc %i
    goto next   
  else {
    { return %moontalk }
; ###### Dialogs ######
Dialog Acronyms {
  title "Acronyms Replacer - Author: cHrIs^o^"
  size -1 -1 313 200
  box "Acronyms Translations - Options:", 1, 5 5 300 90
  combo 2, 10 25 70 200, drop
  text "=", 3, 90 28 10 25
  edit "", 4, 105 26 130 20, disable
  button "Delete", 5, 245 26 50 20
  edit "", 6, 10 50 70 40, multi hsbar
  text "=", 7, 90 55 10 25
  edit "", 8, 105 50 130 40, multi hsbar
  button "Add", 9, 245 55 50 20
  box "Acronyms Translations - Colour/Color:", 10, 5 100 300 70
  button " ", 11, 10 120 145 25
  button " ", 12, 160 120 140 25
  button "OK", 13, 130 177 55 20, ok
  check "Combine Colour/Color's", 14, 100 147 235 20
  check "Active", 15, 245 175 235 20
Dialog Acronyms.letter {
  title "Acronyms Colour/Color"
  size -1 -1 125 60
  option dbu
  icon 1,1 1 21 20,Acronyms\0.bmp
  icon 2,15 1 21 20,Acronyms\1.bmp
  icon 3,30 1 21 20,Acronyms\2.bmp
  icon 4,45 1 21 20,Acronyms\3.bmp
  icon 5,60 1 21 20,Acronyms\4.bmp
  icon 6,75 1 21 20,Acronyms\5.bmp
  icon 7,90 1 21 20,Acronyms\6.bmp
  icon 8,105 1 21 20,Acronyms\7.bmp
  icon 9,1 15 21 20,Acronyms\8.bmp
  icon 10,15 15 21 20,Acronyms\9.bmp
  icon 11,30 15 21 20,Acronyms\10.bmp
  icon 12,45 15 21 20,Acronyms\11.bmp
  icon 13,60 15 21 20,Acronyms\12.bmp
  icon 14,75 15 21 20,Acronyms\13.bmp
  icon 15,90 15 21 20,Acronyms\14.bmp
  icon 16,105 15 21 20,Acronyms\15.bmp
  text "Click on a Colour/Color box than hit 'OK' to save.", 17, 5 35 120 25 
  button "OK", 18, 50 45 27 10, ok
Dialog Acronyms.row {
  title "Acronyms Colour/Color"
  size -1 -1 125 60
  option dbu
  icon 1,1 1 21 20,Acronyms\0.bmp
  icon 2,15 1 21 20,Acronyms\1.bmp
  icon 3,30 1 21 20,Acronyms\2.bmp
  icon 4,45 1 21 20,Acronyms\3.bmp
  icon 5,60 1 21 20,Acronyms\4.bmp
  icon 6,75 1 21 20,Acronyms\5.bmp
  icon 7,90 1 21 20,Acronyms\6.bmp
  icon 8,105 1 21 20,Acronyms\7.bmp
  icon 9,1 15 21 20,Acronyms\8.bmp
  icon 10,15 15 21 20,Acronyms\9.bmp
  icon 11,30 15 21 20,Acronyms\10.bmp
  icon 12,45 15 21 20,Acronyms\11.bmp
  icon 13,60 15 21 20,Acronyms\12.bmp
  icon 14,75 15 21 20,Acronyms\13.bmp
  icon 15,90 15 21 20,Acronyms\14.bmp
  icon 16,105 15 21 20,Acronyms\15.bmp
  text "Click on a Colour/Color box than hit 'OK' to save.", 17, 5 35 120 25 
  button "OK", 18, 50 45 27 10, ok
on *:Dialog:Acronyms.row:*:*: {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 1) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 0 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 0 }
    if ($did == 2) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 1 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 1 }
    if ($did == 3) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 2 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 2 }
    if ($did == 4) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 3 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 3 }
    if ($did == 5) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 4 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 4 }
    if ($did == 6) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 5 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 5 }
    if ($did == 7) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 6 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 6 }
    if ($did == 8) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 7 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 7 }
    if ($did == 9) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 8 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 8 }
    if ($did == 10) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 9 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 9 }
    if ($did == 11) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 10 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 10 }
    if ($did == 12) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 11 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 11 }
    if ($did == 13) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 12 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 12 }
    if ($did == 14) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 13 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 13 }
    if ($did == 15) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 14 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 14 }
    if ($did == 16) { set %Acronyms.2.Colour 15 | did -ra Acronyms 12 Rest Of The Word: 15 }
on *:Dialog:Acronyms.letter:*:*: {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 1) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 0 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 0 }
    if ($did == 2) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 1 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 1 }
    if ($did == 3) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 2 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 2 }
    if ($did == 4) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 3 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 3 }
    if ($did == 5) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 4 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 4 }
    if ($did == 6) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 5 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 5 }
    if ($did == 7) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 6 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 6 }
    if ($did == 8) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 7 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 7 }
    if ($did == 9) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 8 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 8 }
    if ($did == 10) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 9 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 9 }
    if ($did == 11) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 10 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 10 }
    if ($did == 12) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 11 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 11 }
    if ($did == 13) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 12 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 12 }
    if ($did == 14) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 13 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 13 }
    if ($did == 15) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 14 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 14 }
    if ($did == 16) { set %Acronyms.1.Colour 15 | did -ra Acronyms 11 First Letter: 15 }
on *:Dialog:Acronyms:*:*: {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 14) { 
      if ($did($dname,14).state == 1) { set %Acronyms.C.Colour on }
      if ($did($dname,14).state == 0) { set %Acronyms.C.Colour off } 
    if ($did == 15) {
      if ($did($dname,15).state == 1) { set %Acronyms on | did -e $dname 14,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,3,2,1 }
      if ($did($dname,15).state == 0) { set %Acronyms off | did -b $dname 14,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,3,2,1 }
    if ($did == 11) { .timer -m 1 1 /Acronyms.letter }
    if ($did == 12) { .timer -m 1 1 /Acronyms.row } 
    if ($did == 2) { did -bra $dname 4 $Acronyms.Read(LONGLIST,$did($dname,2).sel) }
    if ($did == 5) { 
      var %Acronyms.tmp2 = $calc($did($dname,2).sel - 1)
      inc %Acronyms.tmp2 1
      if ($Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,$calc(%Acronyms.tmp2 + 1)) == $null) { goto end }
      Acronyms.rem SHORTLIST %Acronyms.tmp2
      Acronyms.add SHORTLIST %Acronyms.tmp2 $Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,$calc(%Acronyms.tmp2 + 1))
      Acronyms.rem LONGLIST %Acronyms.tmp2
      Acronyms.add LONGLIST %Acronyms.tmp2 $Acronyms.read(LONGLIST,$calc(%Acronyms.tmp2 + 1))
      goto Acrorem
      Acronyms.rem SHORTLIST %Acronyms.tmp2
      Acronyms.rem LONGLIST %Acronyms.tmp2
    if ($did == 9) {
      var %Acronyms.tmp3 = 0
      inc %Acronyms.tmp3 1
      if ($Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,%Acronyms.tmp3) != $null) { goto Acroadd }
      else { Acronyms.add SHORTLIST %Acronyms.tmp3 $did($dname,6).text | Acronyms.add LONGLIST %Acronyms.tmp3 $did($dname,8).text }
      did -r $dname 6 | did -r $dname 8 | Acronyms.list
  if ($devent == init) { 
    did -a $dname 11 First Letter: %Acronyms.1.Colour
    did -a $dname 12 Rest Of The Word: %Acronyms.2.Colour
    if (%Acronyms.C.Colour == ON) { did -c $dname 14 }
    if (%Acronyms == ON) { did -c $dname 15 | did -e $dname 14,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,3,2,1 }
    if (%Acronyms == OFF) { did -b $dname 14,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 }
; ###### Remote ######
on 1:input:*: {
if ($left($1,1) == /){ return }
else {
  if (%Acronyms == on) { 
    var %Acronyms.temp = 0
    inc %Acronyms.temp 1
    if ($1- isin $Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,%Acronyms.temp)) { set %Acrotext $Acronyms.read(LONGLIST,%Acronyms.temp) | goto Acrotalk }
    if ($Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,%Acronyms.temp) != $null) { goto Acrocheck }
    if (%Acronyms.C.Colour == on) { 
      set %acrotmp2 $Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,%Acronyms.temp)
      set %tmp2 $Acrotalk2(%acrotext)
      say $replace($1-,%Acrotmp2,%tmp2) | halt 
    else {
      set %acrotmp $Acronyms.read(SHORTLIST,%Acronyms.temp)
      set %tmp $Acrotalk(%Acrotext)
      say $replace($1-,%Acrotmp,%tmp) | halt
