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#82027 05/05/04 08:09 PM
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Before anyone suggests the "Search" feature or says this has been done before, I am just going to say that I decided to post cause i'm bored...

Now a while back, when I was thumbing through the help file, I noticed that some features aren't really explained in full detail. Don't ask me what features exactly cause I couldn't tell ya off hand. I am suggesting that the help file should get updated cause I'm not sure when the last time it was...

This would probably more helpful to new users to mIRC cause i'm sure MANY can get confused just by looking at it. So this is just my suggestion for now...

#82028 05/05/04 08:39 PM
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I think it would be great if more of the examples used while() rather than those messy goto loops. :tongue:

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#82029 05/05/04 10:04 PM
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The reason why I brought up the question was because some features didn't even explain anything. That and I wasn't sure when the last update to the file has been made. But yeah... I hear what you are saying... I agree.

#82030 05/05/04 10:10 PM
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Hoopy frood
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I think it would be a good idea if they added the help file to the site, below or above the mIRC FAQ, that way they could update it slowly, then upload the new files when there's a lot of changes, this way they wouldn't have to write the whole thing at once. smile

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#82031 06/05/04 04:34 AM
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It would be nice to utilize, although I can already see the webmaster polishing a rifle for that one LOL. Either way, it would be nice to see such an update be it via the mIRC homepage or the mIRC.hlp file.

#82032 06/05/04 06:27 AM
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Oh goodness me, I've been agitating for this for absolutely AGES wink

The lack of a complete help file is, in my view, by far mIRC's weakest aspect.

Way back in November 2003 I issued a challenge for anyone to find another piece of software where it was necessary to go review documentation for an eight (now nine) year-old version to learn not only how to use a feature that is still current, but that the feature exists at all! So far, I have had not a single response...

I still find the lack of a truly comprehensive, updated help file to be a question of professionalism and respect for customers. I know that others disagree, but I do not regard "well it's in versions.txt" as a satisfactory answer - not least because the complete versions.txt is not distributed with new mIRC executables.


Oh and before anyone asks... this didn't stop me registering mIRC, which I think is a great program. It is something I feel quite strongly about tho' wink


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#82033 06/05/04 10:04 AM
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Hoopy frood
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I agree that mirc's help file should be updated, but only because it should be complete (or as complete as possible). While I realize it'd be a lot of work, I think the help file should even have a "soon to be decomissioned features" section with a "these are replacing those" list. That way, people know (to use an OLD example) that *1 being decommissioned AND is being replaced by $1-. This way it's blatent what's being replaced and with what. There's a lot of things we've mentioned on here that are not listed in the help file at all and people usually use this type of reply in a post:

"While it's not in the help file, THIS FUNCTION will do what you need it to." (replace THIS FUNCTION with a missing on)

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#82034 06/05/04 09:40 PM
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It sounds to me like i'm not the only person on the boat so-to-speak. I have not seen any other program out there where you have to search for information that may not be included in the current updates. If you look at it from a "customer's" standpoint, you would expect to get the up-to-date software/information when you acquire or purchase software.

I agree, undertaking this task would be a bit time consuming, but it would benefit everyone, especially the "newbie" when it comes to looking up information on how to do something with their copy of mIRC. I would also, like to see more examples on the "how to's" of everything mIRC has to offer. Including links to similar tutorials to help users better understand what they are dealing with.

So, with that in mind this suggestion is on the table...And regardless if the help file is updated or not, this won't stop me from using mIRC, it is the best IRC client out there in my opinion. I would just like to see a more in-depth up-to-date help file to refer to whenever I may beed to.

#82035 09/05/04 10:26 AM
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im a n00b and i agree that mircs help file isnt helpful at all.

Khaled maybe try explaining at try to make it easy to understand for n00bz like me.

Well thats my suggestion 4 u Khaled... its totally up to you if you agree or disagree with me wink

#82036 09/05/04 04:25 PM
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Vogon poet
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maybe if people who 'didnt understand the helpfile' could explain what exactly they don't understand...is it the examples he provides? Or is it the explanations? Be specific.

#82037 09/05/04 06:10 PM
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-General opinion-

The reason we help here is to help those who have read the help file and don't understand something. True people don't always read it, but that's the theory. The help file is very useful for trying to remember something, or looking up something you can use to have X affect on a script. I think the help file is meant to be more of a guide than to answer every single question possible.

There are so many external help pages to read, a lot are on this website - the http://www.mirc.co.uk/help directory has some good documents, the forum's search feature, the mIRC FAQ etc..

I'm not going to deny that the help file could do with improvement, and I think it's a good idea that it be reviewed. However, along with developing mIRC, keeping up with (other) feature suggestions/bug reports, dealing with hundreds of emails and real life, re-doing, or even updating the help file, would be a huge task.

Perhaps it would be an idea to post here every section of the help file you can think of that needs improving, remembering to be objective as possible - just because YOU think it would be nicer/neater/cleaner/whatever to use a certain format in a scripting example doesn't mean everyone else does. I can't see a problem with either posting here or emailing Khaled with your ideas for the help file, I'm sure he appreciates the help he receives as dealing with mIRC alone would be an impossible task.
So basically, as Soul_Eater said, both advanced and new users should perhaps be more specific in what they don't understand - some parts of the help file are very easy to understand (i.e. I think the Agents help file is very simple, coupled with this page), so saying the help file is "not helpful at all" is a bit unfair. It is a very good resource, and I don't wish to put it down.

Happy helpin' smile


#82038 09/05/04 06:53 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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My opinion is that the Help File does help sometimes, but does not go into full and thorough detail for some commands, thusly leaving me, and probably others confused, since im not that good of a scripter. It's helped a lot, don't get me wrong, just some minor improvments could be made starting with giving some more examples for each script and a little more description of how it works. smile
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#82039 09/05/04 09:15 PM
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Hoopy frood
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One feature I'd like to see (and yes, it's been mentioned before) is when you type /help /localinfo it actually GOES to /localinfo instead of a long page that has it on it somewhere.
Maybe several people could work on small parts and submit them for inclusion in the help file to be updated semi-regularly.

Last edited by CtrlAltDel; 09/05/04 09:17 PM.

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#82040 10/05/04 04:34 AM
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The help file has helped me in the past many times. I just thought maybe it was time to review the file a bit to see what can possibly be changed/added to it. I just mentioned the suggestion to review the file. I'm not saying re-write the thing just do what is necessary to make any needed changes. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. If people post what changes they think may be needed...that is a start.

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