The main problem you have is that it's extremely hard (or impossible) to completely lock the Scripts Editor. Plus, helping with that in this forum is not really acceptable as there is public access to any thread, and it could easily be abused in scripts.
You might try aliasing over the /server command and default /s alias however:
/alias server echo -a Sorry, you are not allowed to use /serverAnd the same for /s - /alias s echo -a etc.
You could then alias over the /alias command, for example, /alias alias You are not allowed to change the Aliases. Unfortunately,
ALT+D is still accessible and they could edit it there.
You could set a timer every 10 seconds or something to use /remote off. That way, if they did add scripts (and didn't work out how to remove the script you've made) then it would disable them. Something like:
on *:connect:{ .timer 0 10 .remote off }
. before commands hide the fact that the command has been used.
Deleting the help file may be a good idea, so they don't know how to use certain commands.
"visit any chatroom not on an approved list"You can do this through the Lock options - simply check 'Limit channels to' and then type in the channel name(s) that you want them only to use. Once typed in, click 'Add', and then add another etc. etc..
To hide the'd probably need a DLL. You might want to delete all of the popups in
ALT+P.. You might try searching websites such as for such a DLL. You could make your own custom toolbar and replace it in place of mIRC's default toolbar, therefore, with the possibility to remove the button that accesses Remotes. You can hide various bars in the 'View' menu - Switchbar is the bar with the channel names in, Toolbar is the bar with the buttons in, and Menubar is the bar with the words 'File', 'View', 'Tools' etc. in.
Fact is, there are various limitations through the basic GUI. If these kids are relatively young then they are not going to be able to work out how to script, especially if you block various mIRC-related websites from being accessed aswell as delete the help file.