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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I agree with your posts as they address a specific matter though there are times when you guys launch into bully mode for little or no particular reason. This is a general observation and not necessarily aimed at you, however while you guys have a delete button and a ban button that fact alone doesn't make you right. That said, do what you feel you need to do to manage this board - I don't have a problem with that. What could be a problem is that you all seem to expect to be given some respect because you have a job to do here (which is fine) but at the same time not always acting as if you deserve it. To prove the point, I received a private message from a moderator the other day over another matter and the message they wrote and also the timing of the message was more juvenile than most of the public posts I have seen here or on any forum, given that the matter they addressed was dealth with adequately by another moderator days beforehand.
Yes, there is a rule here (and probably on most forums) against abuse and foul language but no forum that I have seen has a rule against free speech itself. If there is now a rule here against free speech then let me know so I can log off and not return.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Just to add to Watchdog's point...
According to my dictionary (Chambers), free speech is "the right to express one's opinions freely in public".
There is no rule against free speech on these message boards. You are perfectly free to express any opinion on any (IRC/mIRC related) subject here... PROVIDED that you do so in a manner that is not offensive to others.
It's really a question of good manners. Let me assure you that a general rule in life is that if you are unfailingly polite, you will receive FAR more help from other people.
For example, I am sure that some people with (perhaps) good ideas about solving your problem did not reply, simply because you did not come across as worth helping (no offence meant).
It is important to remember that everyone here is an unpaid volunteer, and that no-one is obliged to help you at all... basically, when asking for help, you are asking for a favour. If people see that your response to their well-intentioned efforts is just foul-mouthed abuse, why should they bother to do you any favours?
IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn :-: IRC for fun and relaxation :-:
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"as soon someone talks in a special way you don't like, his thread gets LOCKED."
"special way"? well, i guess thats one way to refer to insults, name calling and profanity. I locked the two threads because you seemed intent on turning them into nothing more than rudeness in spite of being asked to calm it down. Your freedom of speech doesnt give you the right to be rude and insult ppl who try to help you. We rarely lock threads, but when we do its generally because the thread has turned into a flame war with someone wanting to get the last word/insult in. At some point it becomes obvious the only way to stop that endless loop is to close the thread. While "angry" may be your "style", asking you to abide by our policy of basic common courtesy and stop with the name calling hardly comes under the heading of tyranny. You stated your feature request twice, they werent deleted, your requests are there for all to see. Sadly, so is your profanity and general rudeness. The only items edited out were the specific names you called other ppl. They too have rights.
Watchdog: Since i have no idea about what or with whom you had an issue, i cant comment on it. Personally i feel everyone who posts here should be treated with respect and common courtesy. I dont think asking ppl to restrict their use of profanity, be reasonably polite, and not call each other names is restricting their freedom of speech. When i see one user call another user things like a f***ing retard just because they dont like whats said, i dont look at my deleting that as being a bully or an indication i must be right cause i'm a moderator, or that i am violating their freedom of speech. Leaving it in a post would only add fuel to a pointless fire and isnt fair to the person the venom is directed at.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I can only speak for myself, but I'm pretty sure I can enjoy my freedom of speech without being rude or obnoxious. You should give it a shot, it might help you when people come to using that other great freedom, listening. I don't know about other users in here, but I'm for free speech. .... sadly, some of you are not. Can't you at least wait a whole paragraph before you contradict yourself?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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qwerty wrote : "Terrorism? Nah, plain stupidity is your only crime."
... for your information, my IQ is 140. So, statisticly, I can NOT be stupid... and because everything is relative... I can NOT be more stupid that YOU. If I'm stupid, what r u then ? cheers! Hi, I can't help but feel sorry for you. Your IQ may be 140, but have you ever tried to measure your EQ? Emotional intelligence generally means a person's ability to understand his or her own emotions and the emotions of others and to act appropriately based on this understanding. Do you see where I'm going with this? There are more things to life than intellectual intelligence, and I would have expected a person with an IQ of 140 to realize that. Guess you're not that smart. Anyway, it's actually wrong of me to judge over you, as I don't know you, and I don't know what kind of person you are. But like most, I judge people based on the facts that I know of them. And what you have displayed on this msgboard up until now, doesn't leave me with a positive impression of who you are. Had you been more subtle in your posts, less ignorant to the people trying to offer solutions for you, less arrogant, using less cuss words etc., then you wouldn't be in this position right now. Greetz
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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"Your IQ may be 140, but have you ever tried to measure your EQ?" ........... Yes, actually I have done it... Pretty high on that one too  See ?... *lol* Unless any of you guys have an IQ of ABOVE 140... u can't really talk back to me and expect me to undrestnad you, right ? Do humans undrestand sheeps ? www.iwanttobelieve.comand again... :
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Unless any of you guys have an IQ of ABOVE 140... u can't really talk back to me and expect me to undrestnad you, right ? Do humans undrestand sheeps ? Correcting: Unless any of you have an IQ above 140, you can't really talk to me and expect me to understand you, correct? Do humans understand sheeps? Believe me, I had enough intelligence to resist the extreme urge to alter that statement to make the correction show an objection to your supposed quotion of such a high notion. For someone so intelligent, you certainly don't know how to have brains. You shouldn't refer to everyone as being guys, because some here are likely to be women (I am not one of them, but it is a courtesy to not say something that is gender based). You couldn't correctly use a comma, misspelled "you" as "u", and twice misspelled the word "understand". The more you brag, the more people are going to be tempted to bring up and emphasize this point: IQ is not an end-all to who is the smarter. It is possible for even an idiot to take an IQ test and come out with high markings. For someone so smart, you actually have the audacity to become nasty about it as though everyone else is beneath you. That's a sign that your IQ isn't a true reflection upon yourself, otherwise you'd have the capability to exercise the responsibility for developing a sense of serenity. Oh, yeah, and you just dug yourself into a deeper grave on this board. Instead of talking down to us "sheep", just remember, there is this thing called karma, and it returns what you put out. To prove a point, if you act this same way towards people off of the computer, then it wouldn't surprise me if people avoid you, cancel on hanging out, talk back to you or otherwise do things as a reaction to your negative demeanor. What's sad is that you probably either don't notice, or you dismiss it as being "one of those things" when in fact people are dropping you hints that they dislike you because of how you are. There is this woman, named Marilyn vos Savant, who has a rather high IQ. If you haven't heard of her, you can do a search for her on the internet. She writes a column that appears in the Parade magazine. People write to her with puzzles or other problems that require alternative views to be able to solve them. I have yet to see her get nasty to someone for not understanding something she has put out in print.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As it turns out, mine is above 140...but I don't seem to be able to undrestnad you.
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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As it turns out, mine is above 140...but I don't seem to be able to undrestnad you. *shakes head* I'll be honest about the fact that I don't know what mine is, but I'm intelligent enough to realize (as you appearently do) that having a higher intelligence than someone else doesn't make one person superior to someone else. I hope that someone else catches onto that same fact.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, here’s my last post in this thread... 1) If your EQ is also high, then that means you are acting stupid deliberately, which is imo worse than just being stupid. 2) Having a high IQ/EQ doesn’t mean you are smart. You have proven this on numerous occasions. 3) I feel (once again) sorry for you because of the feeling that you will have when someone replies to you with an IQ higher than 140. Because then, the arguments that you have used against the so called ‘less intelligent’ people, will apply to you as well. Actually it has probably already happened. (Still following?) 4) It might seem awkward to you, but people’s value and merits are based on more than their intellectual/emotional intelligence. Your tone towards (in your opinion) ‘less intelligent’ people is surely not admirable. 5) I’m usually very cautious when it comes to making predictions (especially if they are about the future  ) though I predict that you are going to run into many more arguments regarding your attitude, for the rest of your life. 6) I’m bored of you now (no wait, we) so I will stop this rant. Good luck! You will surely need it, if you want to get somewhere in your life. Greetz
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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People, please don't feed the trolls.
I'm locking this thread. If you have a problem with that feel free to talk to me directly.