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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I know how to AlphaBlend the window. But I want it to be transparent. as in, NO background OR window. BUT ONLY and ONLY the text and edit box to be showned! that is cool, then it will be a part of the background. Don't you think ?  also, the EditBox in this case should NOT have any borders at all!!! PLEASE MAKE THIS FUNCTION!  ... or I have to make my own app, getting the handle of the window and make it transparent... which kind'a sux... anyway, u know the drill
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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if the window is a desktop window, /setlayer (0-255)
will control the opacity. If it is not a desktop window, there isnothing that can be done to make it transparent. DLLs don't even work.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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oh no, not again. I KNOW that setlayer thingy, BUT it makes the text alphablended as well. I want the window to be be TRANSPARENT... NOT alphablended... and that way, the TEXT won't change! I KNOW that it can be DONE. Please NO MORE SETLAYER replies!!!!! *yells*
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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No, that's the only way windows can do it. You can do what you want programmatically, but it is really slow and sucky. I think if you want stuff like that you need to use an Apple Mac.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Last edited by ParaBrat; 25/04/04 11:02 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You don't have to be so rude in your replies. The usage of cuss words/caps arent needed to get your point accross.
May I remind you that it is you who came asking for help. What you do with the help provided to you, is your decision. Like it or dislike it, but don't yell at the people trying to find solutions for you, and calling them lamers.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmm....I thought /setlayer had been changed in mIRC 6.1 to not effect the main mIRC window due to incompatiblity with 2k/XP - does this post relate to that? I have never, ever used or helped with it so don't know exactly. siyavash: Rudeness will get you nowhere here, except perhaps a largely edited post and the end result you looking a bit silly. Swearing, shouting etc is not the sign of someone with intelligence, and clearly if you've been coding for a decade and know your stuff, you have a brain! Now, you made a feature suggestion. A suggestion was made on how to fix your problem, and you over reacted completely. Helpers are not psychic and don't know what you know, how long you've been coding, what you've tried in the past (unless you tell us!) so there's no need to bite our heads off when help is given - voluntarily. Anyway, fear not, Khaled will read your suggestion and choose whether to include it next version, if not already available. I can assure you however, the credibility of your suggestion is tarnished a little with your attitude towards us. We all get angry sometimes, especially if we want something badly and have been going round in circles trying to get it. Maybe you even felt patronised. That's no excuse though. No matter how long we or you have been on computers/IRC, we can all benefit from stepping back from the screen and taking a deep breath now and again to calm down  Good luck in finding a solution or, at best, getting your suggestion incorporated! Regards,
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Mentality- like i said /setlayer works on desktopped windows. /window -ad @test /setlayer 60  On non-desktopped windows, it doesnt work. siyavash- if you've been programming for 10 years, code a dll for it to work with mIRC. someone of your experience shouldnt have that big a problem
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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What IS your problem ? You give me that [censored] "setlayer" thing again... Don't YOU GUYS READ ? I said "TRANSPARENT WINDOW"... NOT ALPHA [censored] BLENDED! And YEAH! I totally can make a DLL or an outside app to make this for ME... BUT, I suggested this to be built-into mIRC! So anyway, NOT ALPHABLENDED... I NEED TO MAKE IT TRANSPARENT... Got me now ? I'm not being rude. I didn't call anyone ass or something. I just used the F-word. Words are there to use.  About this helper thingy, yeah I know how it w0rx... I been on IRC and I own #SQL channel. Trust me, I AM a helper. :> allright, hmmm..... so again... I need to make the window TRANSPARENT, NOT alphablended. Making the window transparent wont' touch the window-text! That is the point of whole thing.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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And YEAH! I totally can make a DLL or an outside app to make this for ME... BUT, I suggested this to be built-into mIRC! Most people make DLLs for the general public. As I said, you could make a dll for everybody. It shouldnt be a problem for a programmer of your experience. Khaled views threads on these forums, if he feels 'transparent windows' should be implemented into mIRC, he will add them. If not, he won't.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I would like to see something like this added, although not for channels/queries, but for picture windows. Perhaps in the form or a /draw* command, for example: /drawtran -r @window $rgb(255,0,255) any color matching 255, 0, 255 would be transparent.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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What IS your problem ? You give me that [censored] "setlayer" thing again... Don't YOU GUYS READ ? I said "TRANSPARENT WINDOW"... NOT ALPHA [censored] BLENDED!
First off what your talking about isnt transparency at all. you want regioning. Starting with win2k and up alpha blended windows simply use a method of several copies of the window each with different pixels regioned out. The "layers" you see is a combination of these.
As for your suggestion in short this is impossible and heres why.
The text is "Drawn" onto the window (moreover its dc). If the window were made "transparent" as you call it then the text would also go. The best alternative you have is to scan the bitmap loaded into the windows dc (device context) pixel by pixel and if it matches a particular color exclude it from the windows visible region.
If the text (or absolutely anything else on that window including other windows) is of that color even just for a few pixels it too will be removed. This is extremly slow and very very ineficient.
For a dll to do this is no problem at all a few Win32 calls (sclass and trap WM_PAINT) and you could do this with ease. You will notice the drawbacks immediately.
Have Fun
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm not being rude. I just used the F-word.
*Watchdog rolls over laughing.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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*Watchdog rolls over laughing
This is a message board. This is not mIRC. If you wish to escape text as an action you need to TERMINATE the action with a closing asterisk. (either that or assume contextual actioning by inserting "\x01ACTION" before and "\x01" after, but that looks horrible unformated by client)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Umm, why pick up on that?
* Mentality sighs
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Watchdog: 2807 posts to this message board to date. x64: 7 posts to this message board to date. Guess what? I think Watchdog was trying for an amusing impression of mIRC "action" displays, and not for escape characters...  PM
IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn :-: IRC for fun and relaxation :-:
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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wtf, this is such a bullshit... I KNOW THAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO SET A TRANSPARENT COLOR TO A [censored] WINDOW AND MAKE IT TRANSPARENT ON THAT COLOR. Yes that is possible, There is a DLL on MS.org which does it (mFUNC.dll), Though that isn't what you asked. It is possible to specify a color value to be made transparent. However, that is only 1 color, And it affects the titlebar the window frame etc. It is not intended or suitable for this purpose. And, as you have already been told, It would only work on top level windows. You won't get the X-Chat type effect you're after. Hence I told you before it's not possible. I don't make up my information, I get it from experience of working with transparency in windows. I think other operating systems like the Mac OSx have more sophisticated support for transparency, whereas windows only has crude support. Layered Windows
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Look, i realize things can get frustrating, but there is no need to take it out by being rude to ppl who are making an honest effort to help you. And yes, i personally consider calling ppl lamers, shouting, and having more profanity than rational content to be rude, insulting and name calling. If a suggestion made isnt what you are looking for, or ppl misunderstand, then explain what you want calmly and reasonably. If you treat the ppl you help the same way you are treating those who try to help you, thats more than a little sad. Rudeness may be acceptable behavior on your channel (thats your business and your right and i dont give a rip what you do in your own channel) but it isnt acceptable on this forum. I didnt delete the profanity, but do remember this is a forum used by all ages, and post accordingly please. At the very least, use some self control and post using common courtesy.
Everyone is free to make feature suggestions. No one needs to throw a hissy fit just because ppl may not understand what they want or disagrees with them or suggests options.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet