A good way is as you told, to disallow idents containing "~", but the problem is, who have identd? how much people in percent have identd, or "know" what it is?
Or who have a router where identd doesnt works on?
That would be the problem, if channels are going to be big...
:: Joins :: Hey :: (~hey@is.a.newb.that.doesnt.know.identd.com) ::
:: Mode :: DarkDeviL :: +b :: *!*@*.identd.com ::
:: Kick :: DarkDeviL :: Kicked Hey :: Missing Identd ::
(I'd made this example cooler style, etc. :P)
But, this would be the way to... to say:
"I don't want people in my channel, atleast 60% of all IRC users is noobs that doesnt know how identd works, so they are not welcome in my channel"
Now I know something, about many flood scripts/addons/like, because I experimented with them..
{21:30:51} * f9001 (~x1127@staff.staynet.org) has joined #Bots
-- Flood Clone Attack: f9001 (staff.staynet.org)
{21:30:55} * o3798 (~u8078@staff.staynet.org) has joined #Bots
-- Flood Clone Attack: o3798 (staff.staynet.org)
Like this, most flood scripts, are such random things
either one or two chars like: 'x' or 'ux', and then 3-4 digits...
For those it's easy to make protection scripts, or, a little bit easier...
that script (my flood protection script, here..) didn't hit 6 out of 31 clones, when me and my friend tested it.. (throught proxies/socks, etc.)
and the problems with proxies are, that not all proxy scanners can find secure/high anonymous proxies.. and so on, that's the problem, else a proxyscanner would be the good way,
Many people thinks like:
"hmm, how do I do so they cannot see it's me?", "oh yeah, proxies!"
http://www.darkdevil.dk/flood.htm <- Bad way!
Bad way to first join the hcannel, then lets the flood clones join, then quit the cloens, and so quit self...
My many years at IRC, gave me some "tips and tricks", about how people should act, (example opers), and so on...

Does any one of you guys maybe know a good Proxyscanner?
(J10 / P10)
(IRCu Compatible)
and eventually a Trojanscanner, too ?
Now I'm an operator on StayNet, so... eh.. I pwnz j00! :P
K:*:"Please install an identd server!":~*
could be a good idea, but will also give a user loss... :'(
But I will stop my "long storie" now, and eventualyl wait for more replies :P
And, thanks for your replies..

Much flood clones does NOT have an identd server installed, so the thing with disallowing ~, could maybe be an idea..

But I dont like that, because of as I told, user loss