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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I'm sick of people posting scripting stuff in the DEVELOPMENT forum. can they not read?
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This forum is for scripters, and for developers of applications that work with mIRC. Feel free to post your ideas, ask questions, and discuss scripting issues here.
Can't you?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Scripts & Popups Need help perfecting your latest script? Having trouble getting your popups to pop up? This is the place to ask.
That forum is for scripting questions. This is more of a programming forum.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I dun really have a problem with it myself. People might get a little confused due to the wording, and in comparison to the Scripts & Popups forum, not that many people post mIRC scripting issues here. You'll also find people post mIRC errors in the Bug Reports forum, or "Connection refused" thread in mIRC Help rather than Connection Issues, etc etc. Just the way things are =) - The important thing is that the person gets helped so they can happily continue using mIRC. Of course it's better if people do post in the correct Forum, but it's no biggie if they don't, and the majority of people do. Happy helpin'  Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's arguable whether a scripting post is suitable to be in this forum, but really it doesn't make much difference to anyone besides the poster seeing as it just means they'll probably get less help. Anyway, IIRC whenever you reply to a post you use the closest reply button rather than the one whose post you're actually replying to, so it seems you're hardly one to talk when it comes to using the forums correctly.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Scripting is programming, whatever the language, be it BASIC, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, shell scripting, TCL, VBScript or mIRC script. Wherever did you get the mistaken impression it was not? Have you no conception whatsoever about interpretation versus compilation?
Generally speaking, this forum is generally used by people who are developing stuff to work with mIRC (such as $dll's or $com objects), something a bit more advanced than simple on TEXT events...but mIRC scripting, in and of itself, is just as valid a language to develop in as any other, depending on the application. In fact, there are many tasks I routinely use mIRC script to accomplish over some other language, such as C++ or Java.
You can cool your jets and lose the attitude, dude. No one here cares to see it anymore...in any of the forums here. You are relatively new here and you don't happen to be one of the ones who decides what is valid content for any of the forums. While you do tend to respect the general content for each of the forums that you post to, you also tend to make an idiot of yourself by putting your attitude on display. Now granted, we all make idiots of ourselves occassionally; you're just abusing the idea.
You sometimes have valid things to add to the threads you reply to, but you shroud it in so much attitude that no one really listens to you much anymore. That's too bad, really; sometimes, you do have something helpful to add. Try sticking to constructive criticism and lay off the holier-than-thou, I'm-better-than-you attitude; you'll find your credibility increases and people will actually help you more willingly when you have a question instead of just jumping down your throat every time they reply to you specifically.
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I've been registered for a year. Thats considered new? and how often do you say "LucasArts scripted a new Star Wars game?" Honestly H. Attitude? I'd kinda like you to be a little bit more descriptive. Obviously, you have a problem with me. I fail to see anything I've done wrong. People generally never answer when I have a question anyway *shrugs* as you can look down in this forum, my latest thread has 0 replies.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I've been registered for a year. Thats considered new? To me, one year is relatively new. and how often do you say "LucasArts scripted a new Star Wars game?" I never say that, not ever. By the same token, I never say "LucasArts programmed a new Star Wars game" either. I would say "LucasArts has released a new game" (assuming I was interested in what LucasArts was doing on the game front). I'd kinda like you to be a little bit more descriptive. - "the help file is very simple, in fact i havent come across a hard help file yet."
- "i dont see how the second editbox is beneficial. I dont use it, but I simply cant see the purpose at all."
- "I just use the regular editbox for all of these things and dont lose track of anything. It must be hard for you all to multitask."
Obviously, you have a problem with me. Actually, I don't have a problem with you. I have a problem with the attitude you show from time to time here, much as I've had a problem with others who've displayed similar attitudes here. Some have improved FAR beyond where I ever thought they would get; I must say, I'm extremely proud of those folks and how they've matured. Others stopped posting when they failed to get any response to their posts anymore, while others have left of their own volition. People generally never answer when I have a question anyway *shrugs* as you can look down in this forum, my latest thread has 0 replies. The obvious sarcastic reply would be: Read the help file, it's easy to understand. That's not the correct response, though. I can think of several of possible explanations why no one has responded to your latest post. - It might be that the people who might be able to help have read the above comments elsewhere and are in no mood to assist Superman (per your profile) or are practicing their multitasking elsewhere.
- Possibly no one is interested in exploring all that code they didn't write (thus they have to follow the same mental steps you did to generate it first, then troubleshoot it).
- It might simply be that no one currently paying attention to these threads knows the answer you seek.
I fall into the first group...
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm sick of people thinking that the development forum is specifically for the high and mighty C coders of the world. You'll be wanting us humble mIRC scripters to wash your feet next.
BTW: The tables on your website are still skewiff. :tongue:
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I'm of Soul_Eater replying anywhere in a post after just having read the first line of the first post.
I hope that someone will write a book called "Using a message board, for dummies" soon.
You're the last one that could complain about others behaviours on a board dude.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ahhh well, 9 posts after registering on the 15th October last year, glad you found five seconds in your busy day to set aside for this thread. I'm in full agreement with you on one score in that I hope the book you are looking for gets printed. I'm sure it will make up for the obvious shortcomings that exist in your literary experiences.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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why didn't you reply to the thread
You won't like it when I get angry.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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My comments are just my opinions, it's kinda my human right to have an opinion on things H. Let's analyze the comments you've posted: [*]"the help file is very simple, in fact i havent come across a hard help file yet." Khaled(just like most people) has poured hours into the .hlp It iis a very simple help file. you type /help <query> and the topic pops up, with a nice description, and most of the time an example of how to use it. Not challenging, nor hard. [*]"i dont see how the second editbox is beneficial. I dont use it, but I simply cant see the purpose at all." ....etc Thats my opinion. I personally don't. As a mIRC user, I'm entitled to that opinion. Now, how you consider having an opinion about mIRC an 'attitude', thats a little extreme imo. I fall into the first group... knowing the solution to someone's problem and not offering help because of personal malice is out of line.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think you're taking your comments out of context to make them appear fairer and more acceptable than they were originally meant to be. That said, problems can occur in communication both online and on the boards, as it is harder to get personality and emotions through text, so yes, now and again, people can take things the wrong way.
Honestly though, and I've said this before, I really don't care what your opinion is or what anyone else's opinion is of you. This is not a topic where people are needed to give their opinions unless they are in some authority to do something about it. Feature Suggestions is the best place to give your opinion. Otherwise, whilst you're entitled to your opinion, you're not always entitled to display it publically. If you have a problem with Hammer, and if Hammer has a problem with you, you can use the private message function or talk online or even ignore each other.
It's these kind of threads which spread on to 4 pages because both "sides" just don't give up - if you ever get a chance to read Roald Dahl's "The Twits", please do so, it applies to many threads on this board.
And yes, I have given my opinion on this thread because I have to keep being subjected to (1) new post. If you have a problem with it, PLEASE *gets on knees* private message me or contact me online, because I won't be contributing to this pointless (and, ironically, unrelated) thread. Maybe there should be a 'Complaints' forum <G>
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Khaled(just like most people) has poured hours into the .hlp It iis a very simple help file. you type /help <query> and the topic pops up, with a nice description, and most of the time an example of how to use it. Not challenging, nor hard.
Quite correct, it's not. Unless you just happen to choose a "<query>" that doesn't exist or your command of English isn't that good. That is the big difference here, computers can't guess things unless asked to and when they do they are usually wrong. People (ie: most of the people that post here) can guess what someone wants with a far higher degree of accuracy.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As far as I'm aware (other than the offensive wording of that one post), none of your posts have been removed. You are indeed able to express your opinion however you see fit, within reason. Unfortunately, how you choose to express it affects how others will react to you...be it just getting annoyed, ignoring any posts you write, actively flaming you or simply deciding not to come to your assistance. All of those reactions are certainly valid and are the inalienable right of their holder.
As it happens, you and I agree on some things. I, too, hate that second editbox. I write a lot of code in my editbox; consequently, that second editbox takes up a lot of valuable real estate I would much rather have available for coding. However, I also realize that there are some folks out there who do not code in their editboxes at all (which is hard to believe, I know, but true). For them, the second editbox has lots of uses they use all the time to great effect. I see no need to insult them, even vicariously, just because I don't like a particular feature. I despise that Line Marker (Ctrl-L) thingy too because it just doesn't fit in with the way that I choose to IRC. I'm not at all thrilled with flashing and beeping, either; I find both annoying in the extreme.
I also fully agree that mIRC's help file is quite good, though there are a few areas that are rather cryptic, even for those of us who are quite experienced in their subject areas. However, not all help files are good or easy to understand. I've read help files and tutorials on RegExp for many years and never really found one that I could grasp. For someone who already understands RegExp, I suppose they are very complete and quite understandable; for someone trying to "get" even what RegExp is for, however, they were horrid. Most of them presupposed prior knowledge I didn't have. Some of them were strictly application based (like Perl or PHP) such that the concepts were so intertwined with the langauge that separating out what they were doing was difficult, at best. I have yet to see a straight-forward "help file" on a great many subjects. For example: C, C++, UNIX, Linux, Windows API, etc. These subjects are inherently complex, so help files on them must make certain assumptions about prerequisite knowledge of the reader, which they may or may not possess.
My posts in this thread were not meant to flame you, necessarily. They were more meant to explain to you that some of your posts have generated a goodly bit of antagonism towards you and why that is so. I don't have a problem with you but rather with the attitude (intentional or otherwise) that I see in a few of your posts. As I pointed out in the few examples I produced, they can be taken as "I'm so much better than you, I'm amazed I bother to talk with you" sort of attitude, though I don't really suppose that is what you had in mind. Step back from the knowledge that you wrote those lines and read them "as someone else", if you can. I think you'll see what I mean.
Just as it is your perogative to voice your opinion, it is my perogative to help or not to help who I will, for whatever reason. Some posts don't interest me enough to answer them; others I know nothing about or not enough to make a coherent, helpful answer; still others I refuse to help for whatever reason. That is my perogative and you may not gainsay it. As it turns out, I have no idea whether or not I could answer your question. I haven't read it, nor do I intend to. If someone else wants to help you, that's fine with me.
DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Speaking of "Complaints", I currently get a daily digest of this forum emailed to me. It would seem that most of the past two weeks I have seen more arguing back and forth than useful information. I'd hate to have to turn this email off because of a few people. The only reason I bring it up is to make the issue aware to you who many not know that there is no way to simply "ignore threads by ____" when getting the emails. Hopefully there will be a cease-fire of what is/isn't allowed, what "scripting/programming" is, etc., and more of problem/solution type information. whoops, soap box just collapsed, so guess I'll stop.