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ShiN0 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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There is an bug in the combo box behaviour in custom dialogs.

I made a script, that behaves like pressing "j" in Winamp. I get a soundchooser to play sounds on IRC.

I used a combo box. When applying the filter I type in the edit line of the combo box, I have to delete some entries in the combo box list. When deleting items in that combo box list, the edit line also gets cleared.

I also thought of some ways to get around this bug, but it is not possible. I could save the text that already was put in the edit line in the combo box. But if I put it back in there, the cursor position in the edit line is at the beginning, so if I type any further letters, I have to write the song, I'm looking for, backwards. I also thought of a list box and an edit line. But pressing arrow down key wouldn't have the same behaviour as in a combo box.

I also exmained the problem further. It seems, /did -d <name> <id> <n> with n != 0 (edit line in the combo box) also deletes the edit line contents itself, and I don't think that that's the behaviour it should have, since it's not the behaviour mIRC 6.01 has (everything works fine here). I'd appreciate to get that bug fixed asap.

The bug exists in mIRC 6.02, 6.03, 6.1, 6.11, 6.12 and 6.14, noone ever replied to one of my threads, so I'd appreciate if there would be ANY response...


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ShiN0 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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60 views, no replies. I made a short script snippet to test. It works as I think it shall work - with reguards to the help file - on my mIRC 6.01. I tested it under mIRC 6.02 and 6.14, and it shows the above described behaviour:

dialog combo {
  title "Combo Box bug"
  size -1 -1 160 120
  option dbu
  combo 1, 13 7 102 107, size
  button "Close", 2, 120 6 37 12, ok

on 1:dialog:combo:init:*: {
  ; add 1000 entries to the combo box
  var %i = 0
  while (%i &lt; 1000) {
    did -a $dname 1 %i
    inc %i
on 1:dialog:combo:edit:1: {
  ; delete the first entry whenever something is typed in the editbox on top of the combo box
  ; the edit box itself is cleared in mIRC 6.02 to 6.14, under mIRC 6.01 it works as it's described in the help file
  did -d $dname $did 1

(startable via /dialog -m combo combo)

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ShiN0 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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still no replies, I'd appreciate if anyone could write something like "ok, we'll handle this in the next release" or point me to an adress where I can find what I did wrong or stuff...

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ShiN0 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Still no postings. Does even anyone read this thread (or one of my other two I created a while ago)?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posting over and over again is not necessary and is only going to irritate people.

Rest assured, Khaled reads all threads relating to bugs in his program, and really he's the only person that matters as he's the only one who can fix it. If he confirms the bug, then it will be fixed.

Thanks for being so informative throughout your bug report however, your code does confirm what you've described - 6.14\XP pro.

Happy chattin' smile


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ShiN0 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Well, the thing is just that I'm a little bit confused about some things:

Of course I noticed the bug in 6.02. I thougt, well, someone other will notice it, too, report it to Khaled, so he will fix it. When 6.03 was released, I noticed that the bug still perexisted. So I wrote an email (28 Aug 2002) to Khaled to inform him about the bug because I haven't had some experiences with forums until then. When mIRC 6.11 was released, I opened a thread here, some views, no replies. When mIRC 6.12 was released, I opened another thread here, some views, no replies. So, I don't think, I missed any way to inform the people working on mIRC, but the bug still perexisted on and on, and that for about 2 years now. So, I don't know if my Bug Report ever reached the right people and if it will be fixed in the next release. And you might understand that I begin to care about getting no reply or stuff. smile

Thanks anyways.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Altho Khaled does occasionally post that some issue will be "fixed next version", more often than not he doesnt comment one way or the other. We have to wait until the next version is released to see. No replies doesnt mean your report is being ignored, honest smile Khaled just rarely announces anything in advance

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This should be fixed in the new mIRC 6.15 that just released.
52.Fixed custom dialog combo editbox bug when deleting item.

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