
i know there is no pratical need for that in normal behaving chat rooms, but while some botnets are floodin the channels the output thru the api windows is causing massive lag, so the client and the scripts cant react fast enough. to write a fast drone/clone detector i need to study the behaviour of those bots, and mirc supports an easy to use worksheet to do that, while i can go on chatting.
so how about an output thru the old string streaming into the dosbox? there will be no lagg and the scritps can act fast. each window one box.

that would help me a lot. always checkin other clients thru ssl which are able to handle with massive fast floods get on my nerves.

Codeq (J. Diel)
euIRCnet LocOp (irc.hes.de.euirc.net)
http://coding-board.de | www.euirc.net