because the only time mIRC wont give a filename and line number is when there isnt one .. like if you type the command into the commandline manualy .. or if its executed by a timer
If only that were true

Here's 2 examples off the top of my head where it applies directly to events:
on *:text:*:*:{
on *:text:*:*:{
echo -a $iif(ischan $target,Yes,No)
This first one Unkown command is particularly nasty because it could result from a %variable being evaluated or another reason. Meaning that you simply can't search the file for "ThisIsAnunkownCommand".
There are ones i just thought of, After scripting solidly for a few years im sure there are other situations too.
There is also silly mistakes like this:
on *:TEXT:*:*:*:{
echo -a blah
on *:Input:*:*:{
echo -a blah
Although those last 2 are silly mistakes and easier to locate it is another example of the parser not reporting script or line number when it knows it full well.
Btw I searched for problems with /timers and the problem doesn't lay there. I take it the new error handling can't track these kind of errors?